Why Shouldn’t We Pressure Kids To Be The Best In Sport?

One of the most wonderful things about childhood is the ability to fully enjoy every moment and activity. A child’s mind is not programmed according to the logic of the society we know as adults.
Why shouldn't we pressure kids to be the best in sports?

In childhood, sport should be assimilated as something fun to stimulate its voluntary realization and enjoyment. When we force a child to understand the game as a competition in which the only thing that matters is winning, we erase the true essence of the sport. Next, we will see why we should not pressure children to be the best in sport.

4 reasons why we shouldn’t pressure kids to be the best in sport

1. The element of play is essential for a healthy childhood

Many of us learned to understand gambling as less important in adult life, where work is the priority. However, we need to remember the value of the playful element in childhood, especially when we decide to be parents.

Children who train in a sport do not put themselves under pressure or make outlandish assumptions, as adults often do. For them, sports practice is a game whose objective is to have fun with their teammates.

Precisely for this reason, children can express themselves freely and exercise all their creativity while playing, without limiting themselves to the need to be the best. This playful element allows them to grow physically and mentally and learn from each other in their successes and mistakes.

Therefore, we should not pressure children to be the best in sport, but encourage them to learn with their peers and enjoy themselves. When the child begins to grow, he will understand that sport is also a competition in which the best performances are rewarded.

2. Stress impairs the physical and mental development of children

Many parents believe that by forcing their children to always be the best, they are preparing them for adult life. However,  excessive pressure often has a negative effect on children’s physical and mental development. In addition, it seriously damages the bond between parents and children.

Physical education games contribute to the well-being of the child like any other sports practice.

On the one hand, an excessively pressured child may develop such great introversion that shyness and fear of failure will prevent him from pursuing his own dreams. This will have a bad impact on your personal and professional life; It can also lead to serious self-esteem problems.

In addition to this, success does not always depend on beating others and proving that you are superior, but on working as a team to achieve a common goal. This reality is valid for professional, personal and emotional life.

We can imagine how difficult it is to work, be friends or be in a relationship with someone who always needs to win and does not agree to give in. Therefore, a child who assimilates that he must always prove to be the best may have many difficulties to integrate socially and maintain healthy relationships.

3. Assimilate sport as fun encourages a healthier life

If sport is a fun activity, the child will be more willing to practice it and improve his performance. On the other hand, if we remove the playful element and just stop the pressure to win, this same child will constantly feel frustrated and lose the desire to play sports.

Of course, the infant will feel unmotivated to be an athlete, as that would mean dedicating himself to something that generates frustration. Beyond that, you may also feel unmotivated by practicing physical exercises, as it will associate them with the stress of having to be the one who stands out the most.

Remember that physical activity is essential to maintain a balanced weight and lead a healthy life. On the contrary, a sedentary routine is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, joint problems and other pathologies associated with being overweight.

So, to encourage children to develop the habit of exercising and having an active life, we should not pressure them to be the best in sports or other physical activities. On the contrary, it is necessary to help them understand exercise as something fun, which can be shared with family and friends.

The benefits of sport in summer for disabled children.

4. Mutual respect is key to a healthy bond with our children

Last but not least, we should never force children to do sports that are not to their liking. Many parents want their children to be soccer players because this was their dream in childhood, or because they enjoy this sport, but the most important thing is that the child likes the activity to feel enthusiastic about practicing it.

As in all relationships, mutual respect is the key to fostering a positive and healthy bond between parents and children. When it comes to sports, it only remains to encourage the little one to improve themselves day by day and, fundamentally, to have fun and grow healthily.

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