Why Is My Baby Vomiting?

The baby’s vomiting often puts parents on alert. However, the causes are not always related to serious illnesses. Next, we inform you of the main causes of vomiting in babies.
Why is my baby vomiting?

It is common for babies to vomit in their first weeks of life. It is a normal condition because they are getting used to receiving food in a different way and their bodies are in full development. When you wonder why your baby is vomiting, you should know that there are multiple causes that can cause this situation.

Here are some of the most common causes of vomiting in babies. They range from indigestion, a prolonged crying spell, coughing, or being dizzy from traveling by car.

Why is my baby vomiting? The most frequent causes

These are the reasons that can cause vomiting in the baby on a regular basis.

Nutrition problems

During the first months of life, vomiting is often related to feeding problems. Excess food causes vomiting. Another less common factor is children’s allergies to proteins in breast milk or formula, according to a study published in Pediatric Allergy and Immunology.

Viral or bacterial infections

Congestion and respiratory illnesses cause vomiting in many cases, especially when there is a cough. Mucus built up during colds can also clog the windpipe and cause the vomiting reflex. In this way, many babies expel the mucosa from their bodies.

Many times the baby vomits due to excessive crying.

Excessive crying

Prolonged crying is also a common cause of the vomiting reflex. When this happens and the baby has no other symptoms, there is no reason to worry.

Dizziness when traveling by car

If your daily routine includes long car trips, the cause of vomiting may be related to the movement of the vehicle. This is because there is no connection between what the baby sees and the way his body rocks.

Toxic substances

Another cause of vomiting in babies is the ingestion of a toxic substance. The most common are drugs, plants or cosmetics. Even some plants or herbs have been shown to be capable of developing this condition when ingested before the intestine has matured. In addition, certain foods or untreated water can cause intoxication in the baby’s body.

Intestinal obstructions

Sudden and persistent vomiting can be a sign of many diseases, including intestinal obstruction. If your baby vomits in large quantities, does not feed well and has other symptoms, it is necessary that you go to your trusted pediatrician.

Vomiting attacks are usually short-lived and, if not a serious condition, do not require any treatment. You just have to make sure that the baby is well hydrated. If your baby looks healthy and his weight is within the acceptable range, you shouldn’t worry.

When should I take him to the doctor?

Occasionally vomiting is a sign of more serious illness. You need to see a doctor when you notice any of the following additional signs:

  • Signs of dehydration: dry mouth, no tears, and less urine than the baby normally produces.
  • Fever.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting that persists for more than 12 hours or that is very profuse.
  • Abnormal rash
  • Drowsiness or irritability
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Abnormal substances (blood or bile, making vomit a green color).
You have to help the baby to expel gas.

What to do when my baby vomits?

  • Keep it hydrated. With vomiting, fluids that the baby needs are released from the body. That is why you must replace them so that it does not dehydrate. Avoid giving them artificial juices or fizzy drinks. Ask your pediatrician if it is appropriate to provide an oral rehydration solution.
  • Take care of your diet. If the baby already eats solid foods, avoid giving him irritating or sweet food. Start reintroducing your diet with fluids, cereals, and other foods that are easy to digest.
  • Make sure it rests. Sleep is one of the best remedies to calm the baby. During the nap the baby’s intestines are emptied, which will automatically decrease vomiting. You must always be in his care to help him if he vomits while sleeping.

Vomiting in children, a common problem

Although vomiting alarms any parent, it is usually not something to be concerned about. Take the necessary measures so that your baby’s body returns to normal and consult a doctor when you see that the symptoms do not improve or your baby does not behave as he usually does.

What to do if your baby is vomiting

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