Why Children Misbehave Towards Their Parents

Why children misbehave towards their parents

There are many parents who complain that their children behave badly with them, and it seems that the scene is repeated over and over again within families, why does this happen? Many times children when they leave school, kindergarten or when they spend time with their parents go from being little angels to behaving in an inappropriate way where bad behavior becomes the protagonist.

It is necessary to understand why children behave worse towards parents than with anyone else, in order to then be able to handle these uncomfortable situations. In this way you can achieve a pleasant atmosphere at home.

Why your child behaves better with other people

Children show their true selves to their parents, especially young children. When the children come home they show themselves as they are since in other contexts they have been repressing their true behavior because they did not have such a strong emotional bond with those adults.

But you should know that this is so because they feel a deep love, affection, admiration and connection with you, their parents.  Children show themselves as they are with their parents because they feel relaxed, they feel at home. But of course, this is no excuse for children to misbehave.


Can be himself without misbehaving

Although it is normal for children to have their own behaviors, their tantrums and from time to time their behavior is not appropriate, it does not always have to be this way. When a child has a tantrum with his mother or father, it is because he does not attend to him how he wants it to be done and he has no other way of externalizing it.

For example, if the child wants to eat French fries but the mother tells him that it is time for dinner, it is most likely that there is a conflict of interest and a small argument is created. So that this does not happen, it is possible to negotiate with the child that if he eats all dinner, he will have a few chips later.

By this I mean that children who behave badly do not do so because they want to harm the home environment, they are the first to want to feel good at home. But all bad behavior has a cause behind that parents will have to discover, whatever it is.

Once this cause is discovered, it will be necessary to work together through emotions and calm so that in addition to the child redirecting his behavior, he knows what is expected of him and how he should do it.

Routines are your best allies

Children feel that their parents should be their protectors, who must satisfy their basic needs and also their emotional needs, and when this is not fulfilled, bad behavior can appear imminently.


So that this does not happen, it will be more than necessary to work on emotions with children since they are very young and to comply with some routines at home that help them understand the structure of the day and feel safe in each of the moments. Routines help children who misbehave with their parents to know what is happening at all times and what is expected of them. With this mental structure they will be able to find security and calm so that tantrums and bad behavior are reduced considerably.

Routines serve parents too

But routines are not just for children, it also helps adults to control their emotions so that the day does not overflow. Routines are necessary for parents to structure the day and to be able to organize in advance what will happen at each moment, so they can transmit it to their children and then do it and that everything is well ordered in the minds of all family members.

By reducing misbehavior on the part of children, parents will feel less frustration and more joy so that family time will become quality time where children and parents can live together in peace and quiet.

When there is a good atmosphere of harmony at home, parents will feel more connected with their children (and vice versa) and it will be much easier to laugh, play and hug each other.

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