Why Are Babies Born With So Much Hair?

Why are there babies born with so much hair?

Some babies are born with a lot of hair, while others come into the world with little hair … Let’s see why this phenomenon happens

One of the most widespread myths about pregnancy  is the supposed relationship between heartburn and the amount of hair that the baby has . It is not strange to hear our grandmothers telling us: if you have a lot of heartburn, you will surely have a lot of hair. Fortunately, these two elements have nothing to do with each other.

In addition to this, you should not worry if your child was born with little hair . When they arrive in this world, the threads are very fine and with the passage of time they will fall off, little by little. Therefore, do not jump to conclusions on this subject, regardless of what people think.

Experts insist that the abundance of hair depends on genetic factors

Newborn hair is an interesting mystery to us, since all its characteristics can change . At first, it may be light or dark, but it may have a totally different hue over the months; Also, even if it looks straight at birth, it is likely to stay that way or be curly.

Undoubtedly, the genetic factors of mom and dad will directly influence this issue . However, it will take a long time for this to be clearly defined and you know exactly what your baby’s mane will be like. In the meantime, let’s see why there are babies born with so much hair.  

Why was my baby born with so much hair?

According to the Spanish Society of Neonatology, the reasons that explain this fact have not yet been found. Experts insist that genetics are the main responsible for this characteristic, both in the amount, as well as in the distribution and type of hair .

To this are added certain racial elements that considerably influence . In this way, the races that are closer to Ecuador have a greater capillary abundance, than the Nordic ones at the time of birth, for example. They are also differentiated by texture, body situation and density.

In general terms, people who descend from the Andean Indians have the greatest amount of hair on their entire body, while the Asian and Eskimo races (Arctic regions of North America and certain regions of Siberia) do not have as much hairiness.

Race is an influencing factor in the characteristics of the child’s hair

But how does the development of the baby in mommy’s tummy affect this matter? Hair follicles, responsible for producing hair, develop from the fifth month of pregnancy . However, all these hairs fall out almost simultaneously in the eighth month, so that another strong one grows and will remain until the baby is six months old.

In some cases, children are born with cradle  cap, which causes further hair loss , but it tends to recover, as long as it is not a disease called seborrheic dermatitis . In these cases, it is essential to take him to the dermatologist for an evaluation and control.

How to take care of the baby’s hair?

Being born with little or a lot of hair is determined mainly by the genes of mommy and daddy. However, it deserves special attention when bathing , using quality products and treating it with great affection .

As for the shampoo that we choose for our little angels, it is important that it is appropriate for their age and that, in addition, it has a neutral pH . These types of articles are formulated not to damage your hair, take care of the scalp, do not irritate the eyes and are hypoallergenic.

On the other hand, it is necessary to ensure that the products have a soft perfume, since strong odors usually cause irritations and allergies in children.

Baby hair deserves special attention with special products

After six months, if the newborn has curls, you can use a special conditioner to help it detangle easily, hydrate and protect it. . After bathing them, they must be dried very well with a soft towel, to avoid mycosis  on the delicate skin that covers the head.

When combing, we must opt ​​for brushes with flexible bristles, which do not hurt . No one else can use it, to keep it protected from fungus or lice.

With little or a lot of hair, little babies always look cute . Enjoy the changes that appear and you will be surprised with the results.  

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