What To Do If My Child Is Bitten By A Dog?

Children love dogs, despite the fact that sometimes they may suffer some kind of incident such as bites. In this article we offer you all the information that you should take into account if your child suffers an incident of this type.
What to do if my child is bitten by a dog?

Dogs are considered man’s best friend. However, sometimes it can happen that its condition as an animal causes the odd scare. What actions should I take if my child is bitten by a dog?

Dog bites can occur for many reasons. Although some stray animals or other strange dogs can bite, most of the time people are bitten by a dog they know, such as a friend or pet.

Canines can make great family pets. In fact, most children adore dogs as they are cute, cuddly, and friendly. Growing up with a dog can enrich children’s lives in many ways.

Certainly little ones need constant and close supervision when around dogs to avoid bites. Therefore, we want to dedicate this article so that you know how to act if your child is bitten by a dog.

What to do if my child is bitten by a dog?

If your child is bitten by a dog at home, you can provide first aid. Dog bites can cause infections that must be treated with antibiotics.

To carry out correct domestic care, we recommend that you carry out the following tips.

  • Place a clean towel over the wound to stop any bleeding.
  • Try to keep the injured area elevated.
  • Clean the wound  carefully with soap and water.
  • Apply a sterile bandage to the affected area.
  • Get him to take an antibiotic every day to prevent infection – check with his doctor about it.
The loss of a pet

When is it necessary to visit a doctor?

If your child is bitten by a dog, you should bear in mind that it is necessary to visit a doctor depending on the severity of the injury. Likewise, it is recommended to visit a specialist in the following cases:

  • It is an unknown dog that bites.
  • The wound is deep.
  • You can’t stop the bleeding.
  • There are signs of infection such as redness, swelling, warmth, or pus.

After you go to the hospital, your doctor will examine the injury to see if the bite was deep enough to damage muscles, tendons, nerves, or bones.

Next, the doctor will thoroughly clean the wound in order to remove dirt or bacteria, in addition to removing dead tissues. In some cases, the sutures will be used to close the dog bite wound.

However, this practice is controversial; The reason is that suturing the injury can reduce scarring, although it can increase the risk of infection.

Certainly the care of dog bites in children is a subject of controversy. It is recommended that puncture wounds are not closed and that wounds on the hands and feet are treated by a surgical specialist.

If my child is bitten by a dog, he is likely to develop a great fear of them.

How can I prevent my child from being bitten by a dog?

To avoid an unpleasant incident from happening, we recommend that you follow the following tips:

  • When choosing a dog as a family pet, choose one with a good temperament.
  • Keep your child away from any dog ​​he doesn’t know.
  • Never leave your young child alone with a dog, especially when it is an unfamiliar one.
  • Get the go-ahead and check with the owner before petting an unfamiliar dog.
  • Do not allow the child to play with any dog ​​that is eating or feeding its puppies.
  • If a dog becomes aggressive, it should not yell or run away. Staying calm, moving slowly and not looking at the dog is essential; dogs can be startled or upset if a child jumps or yells around them.
  • When you touch a dog, you should gently pat him on the side or back and not hit him on the head.
  • Teach him to be nice when he plays with dogs.
  • Train your dog to obey commands like sit, stay, fall, and come.
  • Reward both the child and the dog when they behave the way you want them to.

Finally, remember that the most important way to keep your child safe around a dog is supervision;  proper monitoring means being ready to intervene immediately if necessary. Beyond that, you can start teaching your little one some of the basic rules like the ones we’ve mentioned.

Fear of dogs in children

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