What Is Vamping?

What is vamping?

The word vamping comes from the union of the terms: vampire (vampire in Spanish) and texting (act of typing text messages). Every time these syllables are joined, they form the meaning more or less of: person who stays awake at night (such as vampires) with the purpose of using any of the many devices offered by technology to send messages text or use them for other purposes.

Vamping today has become a worldwide phenomenon, and despite its many detractors (generally adults) every day the list of those who dedicate themselves to it (mostly teenagers) increases.

Due to its importance and the many damages that it entails, we dedicate this post to the subject.

Birth of vamping as a phenomenon

Vamping as a phenomenon was born almost with the advancement of the media: tablet, mobile phone, computer, internet …

The electronic devices and the benefits they offer (interactivity, 24-hour socialization, inexhaustible flow of information of all kinds) together with the time that is becoming shorter, at least for those who know how to take advantage of it, leads adolescents to submit to to vamping.


On the other hand, there is also the attraction of being connected with people who live on the other side of the world to learn about other cultures or ways of thinking.

It is known that one of the main characteristics of adolescence is the need that one feels to be part of the group, so doing vamping is fashion and as fashion at last everyone wants to be part of it.

There is also the fact that not all teens have the privacy and peace at home to relax during the day or “do and undo” without their parents watching. That is why they use the night to tell about their experiences, talk about their doubts, share their problems, their experiences on social networks and any other concern.

Harms of vamping

Vamping, like other technology-related phenomena, has its downsides. Among them we want to quote you:

  • Circadian rhythm disturbances
  • Insomnia : Teens who change the day for the night; that is, those who are active during the early hours and sleep or try to do so during the morning hours are vulnerable to this condition
  • Low academic performance. Because they do not rest at night, it is difficult for them to stay focused during the day. They pay little or no attention to their teachers, sleep in classes, and tend to skip school to stay home to rest
  • Technology addiction and the tendency to prefer a virtual life over the real one
  • Low tolerance for the opinions expressed by their parents about their behavior
  • Weakness and tiredness to the point of becoming chronic
  • Irritability, anxiety, and fluctuations in character and moods
  • Depression
  • Eye fatigue that can lead to some vision problems.

How to keep your child away from vamping?

The first rule of thumb for dealing with a teenager and making them at least listen to you is not to forbid them. If you start by reducing the hours spent connected to electronic devices or preventing them, you will have started the battle badly.

The point is to find a method that allows you to negotiate with him without imposing your will or letting him impose his. It is difficult, we know. That is why at Eres Mamá we give you some tips that, we believe, can help you.

  • Ask him to talk about the new lifestyle he is adopting. Take a moment to just talk about it. Do not bring up the subject in each of their conversations because you can find it repetitive and tedious. That will only make him evade you.
  • Help him to make a comparison between his life before the vampig and after this one. The pros and cons of being away from your social life during the day and all that implies not getting enough rest at night: low grades, few outdoor recreational activities, poor physical activity, lack of time to share with your family, etc.
  • Ask him about his future and what he looks like 2-3 years from now. Don’t tell him how you see it. Go asking him questions so that he can only conclude the importance of studying, taking advantage of his time in developing physically, emotionally and psychologically and living the life he has.

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