What Is Placentophagy?

What is placentophagia?

At present , many studies have been done, highlighting that women after childbirth can eat their placenta. This action is called placentophagia. The placenta can be ingested in many ways, the most common being encapsulated, juiced, or cooked. Although in some cultures the placenta is important, not all mothers get to eat it.

The placenta is an organ that develops during pregnancy. It forms between the mother and her baby, and works as a protection for the child in the womb. A large amount of vitamins and minerals accumulate in the placenta throughout pregnancy. In addition, it contains a hormone called placental lactogen, which helps stimulate the production of breast milk.

It has been observed that all animals eat their placenta after giving birth, as it contains important nutritional substances. It is something very normal in almost all types of mammals that have just given birth.  This is done to remove blood and prevent their young from being in danger, as the scent could attract predators.

The hormones it contains serve to compensate for the mother’s hormonal deficit after delivery. It is believed that its intake may also be beneficial in humans, as it reduces pain in the postpartum period and strengthens the bonds between mother and calf.

How is placentophagy performed?

Tummy of pregnant woman with flowers

According to some studies, placentophagy brings many benefits for the woman who gives birth. The placenta is rich in estrogen, which helps reduce postpartum bleeding. This sensitizes the uterine muscle to contract with the effects of oxytocin. When the uterus contracts, it prevents blood loss where the placenta detached.

Some experts suggest including the placenta in recipes in order to be able to consume them. Unfortunately, unlike meat, which is very muscular, the placenta is not. Thus, if it is cooked, the benefits that the mother could receive are likely to be destroyed. This happens because many of the proteins, hormones, and blood products are broken down by cooking.

So far, the best known way to perform placentophagy is the  encapsulation of the placenta. This method removes the organ and puts it in a pill. In this way, it is much easier for people to ingest this product without problems. In particular, it prevents you from feeling disgusted or disgusted in any way when eating it.

Why ingest the placenta?

Pregnant cooking

It is not mandatory for any mother to ingest her own placenta. However, those who choose to do so will be able to get a lot out of it. At the same time, keep in mind that you do not have many opportunities to carry out this experience, which is why it deserves to be considered.

Another of the main reasons to carry out placentophagia is related to postpartum depression. It also helps a faster recovery after giving birth and a faster healing of wounds produced in childbirth. It is a good pain reliever that helps reduce pain and benefits the relationship between mother and baby

Women who perform placentophagy see it as something as natural as breastfeeding their baby. This practice is said to respect the mechanisms of nature, although until recently it was still considered taboo.

Some risks of placentophagia

Most placentas have infections due to their large number of bacteria. In some cases, placentophagia has been denied due to poor quality of the placenta. For example, when meconium, ie fetal feces, is present, this organ should not be ingested.

It is important that advocates of placentophagy contribute studies that can demonstrate the benefits of the placenta when ingested. At the same time, it is necessary to certify that such ingestion will not entail risks for whoever does it.

In most cases, the denial of this practice is due to the health condition of the placenta. Not all the time this product is in optimal conditions to be consumed. Similarly, sometimes the processing of the placenta to be ingested can diminish its properties.

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