What Clothes Does A Newborn Need In Summer?

For new parents, the clothes they have to buy for their baby can pose a concern and many doubts. What kind of clothes should you put on your baby when hot temperatures hit?
What clothes does a newborn need in summer?

When hot temperatures and summer arrive, you can lighten your clothes and enjoy the warmth of sunny days. But in the case of babies, does the same rule apply? What kind of clothes does a newborn need in summer?

Contrary to popular belief, babies should always be warm no matter if it is summer or winter. The outfit chosen should take care of the baby’s skin and body temperature, especially in the case of newborns.

The material of the clothing is another aspect that should not be overlooked. Some textures or synthetic materials can cause allergies or skin redness; This type of reaction occurs frequently during the summer, as a result of heat.

What kind of clothes does a newborn need in summer?

Newborns do not perceive temperatures like older children or adults; they are much more sensitive to changes in temperature. While for the rest it may be hot weather, for babies it may be cool or even cold.

For this reason, the most important thing in a baby’s clothing is to keep his head and feet warm; actually, it is through these two areas that they regulate their body temperature. A cool breeze for an unwarmed newborn could be the cause of a premature cold.

In the sixth month of the baby's life there are many changes such as the birth of his teeth.

If the baby is coming

Organizing a baby’s wardrobe can be a distressing experience for parents, especially when they are first time, since they must choose between many clothes and decide what is really necessary.

Regardless of the season of the year, among the baby’s clothes the undershirts should not be missing; at least two or three changes a day should be considered, anticipating any accident. At bedtime, it is preferable to dress the baby in comfortable and warm clothes, rather than embroidery.

If the baby has already been born

During the summer, cotton outfits should prevail in newborns. The feet and head should be covered with hats and stockings; in the same way, it is advisable to shelter them with light cotton blankets.

The use of wool or fabrics is not recommended  because they can generate more heat than usual. Even at night, it is preferable to adjust the temperature of the air conditioning and dress the baby in cotton pajamas. In addition, you must protect the chest with shirts, the head and feet.

Some recommendations on what kind of clothes a newborn needs in summer

  • Select quality material. Between choosing quantity for quality, it is preferable to lean towards quality. Babies’ skin is very sensitive in their first years of life, so you should choose fabrics that do not cause chafing on their skin.
  • Cotton is the most advisable. It is a soft fabric that allows the baby to perspire without major problems. The ideal is to select 100% cotton manufacturing garments.
  • Avoid very tight sizes. Tight-fitting outfits in summer can make your baby feel hot and cause a rash. For this reason, it is recommended to wear clothes two sizes larger than the one that corresponds to you. 
  • Forget the accessories for a moment. Although it is tempting to dress the little ones in shoes and bows, it is better to wait a bit. Many babies have a hard time getting used to wearing clothes, so accessories can make them more uncomfortable.
  • Keep them warm.  A baby should always feel warm to the touch, without showing sweat or redness on the cheeks. In these cases, he should be uncovered for a few minutes or given a little breast milk to cool him down.
It is advisable to prepare the bag that we will take to the hospital in advance.

Summer activities for newborns

During their first days, newborns require a lot of care, since they are forming their antibodies. For this reason, specialists recommend that they be kept safe at home for at least the first 28 days after birth.

After that time, the baby will be able to visit the sunny parks following the doctor’s instructions; do not forget to protect the head and limbs of children. It is also important to keep them hydrated with breast milk and away from direct sun exposure.

What clothes to buy for your newborn baby

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