Water Games For Children

Water games are one of the most fun during childhood. They help beat the heat and promote moments of great group fun. Here we tell you more about it.
Water games for children

Water games promote social interaction, spontaneity, creativity and, to some extent, ingenuity. By not always having everything they imagine, children must come up with ways to get what they need for their games.

For example, if in the pool children decide to play as crocodiles in a swamp, they will not always have all the toys to support their fantasy and therefore, they will have to resort to what they have at their disposal to complete it.

It is advisable to allow the child to experiment on their own, but first, they should always listen carefully to what preventive measures to take into account, for their own safety and that of other children.  In this way, you can become familiar and enjoy the aquatic environment without inconvenience. Of course, the child should not be left unsupervised.

Water games for children

Here is our selection of water games for children. With them, summer can become a much more fun and dynamic time. Take advantage of them!

Water games are ideal in summer.

1. Racing with the glass of water

To start the game, you must draw two lines: one that indicates the start and the other the finish line. Next, divide the children into teams with an equal number of participants and invite them to line up behind the starting line.

To start with, there will only be one team member standing at the starting line. And, as in the classic relay, the first ones stand at the starting line, holding the glass of water, to deliver the glass to the respective partner waiting at the finish line.

The goal is to complete the tour as soon as possible without spilling a lot of water from the glass. At the end of the race, the team that, upon completing the first lap, has the most water in the glass is the winner.

2. Pick up the handkerchief

This game is ideal for practicing in any pool and requires great speed.  To play, you will need as many bandanas as there are players. The number of players will be limited only by the size of the pool.

Each participant must put a handkerchief on the back of the shirt. The object of the game is to collect as many tissues as possible and keep your own. The lucky winner will be the one with the most handkerchiefs.

Those who lose their tissues must immediately leave the pool while waiting for the next round of play.  On the other hand, the handkerchiefs that fall to the bottom of the water will belong to the first person to collect them.

3. Basket the balloons

Players must be divided into 2 teams of at least 4 players. The first thing you should do is place a cube for the captain of each team and a balloon for each of the other players. 

L Players must fill the balloons with water, but without tying them.  After that, the teams line up next to each other, on the throwing line.

Each captain stops five paces from the first of his companions, turns to him, and holds the bowl firmly over his head.  In turn, the members of each team launch their own open balloon. The goal is for the balloon to fall into the bowl that the captain holds over his head.

It should be noted that the captain can move to receive the balloon, but must not separate the container from the head. 

Water games for children are ideal in summer.

4. Center the balloon

This game can be played both in the pool and in a garden or patio. Players must be organized into two teams of 3 to 5 participants. 

Both teams face each other, 3 or 4 meters from each other if they play in a large pool, or at both ends if it is an inflatable one. Each player will be equipped with a squirt gun.

A balloon is placed in the center of the pool and when the starting signal is given, the players must aim at the ball with the aim of moving it forward thanks to the jets of water launched with the pistols. The team that manages to place the ball in its corner is the winner.

To play this game, it is important to cooperate and join forces  to move the ball in the right direction and counter opposing shots. There may be moments of pause to reload the guns with water.

In short,  water games for children constitute a set of recreational activities but also fundamental for their physical development. social and emotional.  Teach them to enjoy them!

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