Types Of Pillows For Pregnant Women

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the first discomfort to sleep begins to appear. Fortunately, there is currently a variety of pillows on the market that improve the sleeping conditions of pregnant women.
Types of pillows for pregnant women

During pregnancy, it is very likely that women have problems falling asleep, especially from the second trimester, when the belly has grown considerably. Pillows for pregnant women are usually the solution to rest for a while or sleep in the correct position.

At a certain point, the size of the belly of the future mother begins to generate inconveniences of different kinds. Among them, the muscular, bone and stomach ones stand out; In addition, this also causes discomfort to rest or fall asleep, due to the weight that the baby is gaining.

That is why today we can find a wide variety of pillow designs for pregnant women on the market. All these have been devised for the deserved rest of future mothers.

However, and although they are very few, these articles also have some disadvantages, which are usually associated with their large size. To get to know them better, don’t miss the following descriptions.

Advantages and disadvantages of pillows for pregnant women

The pillows that pregnant women usually use from the second trimester of pregnancy may or may not be useful; it all depends on the conditions that the future mother presents.

In this period of time, the fetus begins to increase its weight and height, which is evidenced by the noticeable growth of the belly. These are factors that begin to condition the woman’s rest.

There are many advantages and few disadvantages of pillows for pregnant women. Among its main benefits, we can mention:

They conform to the woman’s body

They mostly cover the woman’s back, belly, hips, and even legs. However, some designs are usually large and uncomfortable for the person who shares the bed with the pregnant woman.

Avoid sudden movements

At the beginning of the second trimester, the pregnant woman’s belly is already a considerable size, so it becomes difficult to move and get a position that helps her fall asleep. The pillows for pregnant women are ideal to avoid any sudden movements.

The pillows for pregnant women have different designs and functions.

Also useful during breastfeeding

These elements are useful both in the gestation period and after this, since they can later become an accessory for breastfeeding.

Easy maintenance

They are easy to wash, as long as their design and filling allows it. There are some large models that do not fit in the washing machine; meanwhile, if they are small, they may lose part of the filling.


Its various designs, mostly ergonomic, avoid stomach and muscle discomfort.

Types of pillows for pregnant women

We can find several models of prenatal pillows that are adjusted to the specific needs of the future mother. Among them, the following can be highlighted:

Horseshoe pillow

They are designed to support the entire body and  provide comfort from head to legs. They are usually large, which also prevents the future mother from making sudden movements. The problem with these may be maintenance, since some models do not fit in the washing machine.

Circular donut pillow

Usually filled with polystyrene particles, they are ideal for reading a book, watching television or taking a simple break, since they adopt the silhouette of the future mother. Later, they can be used for breastfeeding.

Candy type pillow

They are elongated, ideal to support from the head to the legs.  The expectant mother can position it however she sees fit, even wedging her body at one end. They are usually thin, so they do not take up much space in the bed and do not bother the partner.

Wedge pillow for pregnant women.

Triangle pillow

They are usually made of foam rubber. They are perfect to place while the pregnant woman sleeps on her side, since in this position they provide support to the belly. They can also be worn below the knees and back; this location helps to alleviate the typical pain in these areas.

Prenatal pillows can provide comfort or discomfort to the expectant mother. For this reason, their choice must be meticulous and must respond to the specific needs of women. It is always recommended to consult the specialist about the functionality provided by each one of them to know which will be the most beneficial in each case.

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