Turn Your Home Into A Refuge

Make your home a refuge, a nest where your child can play, crawl and run without fear.
Turn your home into a refuge

Turn your home into a refuge to offer your child the security he needs. Remember that it is your responsibility to protect it and keep it away from all risks.

Because, unlike you and the other members of the family nucleus, he does not know the danger that stalks him every time he walks through the house. So that your child grows up healthy and happy in you are a mother we guide you: turn your home into a refuge.

Providing a safe home for your child is giving your child the best

If you love your son, it is because you want the best for him. And the best thing for him is not only to feed him, dress him, put him on shoes or give him all your love. Within the concept of “the best for him” the permanence of his physical integrity, his safety, occupies a fundamental place. That is why providing a safe environment for her to crawl, walk, run and play everywhere should be one of your priorities after you become a mother.


Turn your home into a refuge

As no child is exempt from domestic accidents, below we would like to talk to you about some of the precautions that you must take in your home to protect your little one. We are sure that you know them and put them into practice every day, but as a review in this sense it never hurts, we remind you.

  • Store sharp objects in high places : scissors, needles, knives, razors …
  • Keep out of their sight and under lock and key all the substances you use to clean the house: bleaches, detergents, flavorings …
  • Move electrical outlets and switches out of their sight. We recommend covering them or putting curtains and furniture in front of them so that they do not attract the child’s attention.
  • Never accumulate water in containers that your child can easily reach. Avoid putting buckets and basins of water on the ground.
  • It insures medicines, even for children. Any pill on the floor is attractive to a child.
  • Store grains (seeds, rice, legumes) where the child does not know where they are or cannot reach them.

What else can you do to make your home safe?

  • Tape all electrical equipment to the wall to prevent him from wandering behind them. Also ensure that the cables do not hang down and thus do not constitute an incentive for him to pick them up.
  • Avoid leaving glass containers and nylon bags within reach.
  • Secure exit doors to the street or places where you may go and be in danger.
  •  If he is small, watch that he does not go up or down the stairs alone.
    • If you have animals at home, hygiene should be optimal. Also extreme security measures when your child goes to play with them. Animals must be docile and healthy. Even so, make sure that the game always takes place under your supervision.
    •  Never allow the child to be near the oven and stove unless your child is older and you are preparing a recipe together. If this is not the case, keep it out of the kitchen especially when you are preparing food. Do not put containers on the edge of the tables and leave the abrasive and dangerous substances for him in a safe place.
    •  Whenever you can, avoid having tables with pointed corners in the spaces where the child will move. For these places, choose best tables with round corners and that are made of wood or plastic.
    • Secure the windows to prevent your child from opening them; above all, those that are from the second floor.

    Turn your home into a refuge so that it grows calm and happy

    Mom, give your little one the freedom to explore and get to know the environment in which he lives without being in any kind of danger. And even if you take all the precautions and consider that in the places where he plays, crawls and walks he is not in danger, it is recommended that you never lose sight of him.

    In this way you will ensure a safe, calm and happy childhood. You will make your child perceive your home as a sanctuary, a refuge, a cozy space in which they always enjoy being.

    How many risks does your child run at home?

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