Tips To Teach The Child To Work In A Team

Tips to teach the child to work in a team

How to teach the child to work in a team? When we live in a world where the work of each person has to do with that of another, where the results of some harm or benefit the rest of the group, we must necessarily learn to work as a team.

In union there is strength, the saying goes. Those who adapt to work side by side succeed, are open to other people’s ideas, value them and help put them into practice.

Teach your child to work as a team so that he learns and accepts that we can all be part of a great family.

Work as a team from home

Working in a team should be a teaching that is received from home.

It goes without saying that at school you insist that the child look for a partner to do an experiment or investigate something as homework. Mothers and the entire family must also encourage him in this regard; But even when the child is small and goes to kindergarten, at home, he must be helped to understand that the work between two, three, four… while erecting a tower of cubes, is better.

In such a case, he and his friends have the opportunity to have fun together, there are more hands to hold the floors below while the ones above are placed, the tower rises much faster and, in the end, you share your pride in yourself. construction site.

Teaching the child to work in a team is preparing him for life

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In childhood, team play, the tasks that are shared, serve as a tool and exercise for socialization among children; This prepares them to have better interpersonal relationships in the future.

When the game is played as a team, the competition of “I have to keep the toy” or “I’m going to finish the drawing first” becomes “we have to do it all right.”

Individualism and the ambition to be the best is transformed into a collective purpose where the concerns and desires of some are those of all.

3 Tips to teach the child to work in a team

Despite the many benefits of teamwork, not all people know, want, or are good at it.

So that your child does not become an adult who feels incapable of working together and in pursuit of others, teach him how to do it by carrying out the following tips:

Teamwork must be based on respect

If the criteria and the work of others are not respected, it will never be possible to work as a team.

Your child must learn that his peers have the right to offer their opinions and execute a play according to their ideas.

Respect for what others consider will save you many disagreements, annoyances and even fights, the same in school as in adulthood.

You have to establish rules

Whenever you work with other people, you have to establish rules that everyone must follow.

The rules are the basis of discipline, and when there are many thinking heads, whims to perform and hands to do, you cannot walk of free will.

You have to put an order so that the task comes to fruition.

Distribute tasks to designate responsibilities

The child you educate must learn that, within a group, despite the fact that the task is shared, each one has a specific job for which they must respond.

The individual responsibilities of the members must be established from the beginning of the contest.

How to teach the child to work in a team?

To teach a child to work in a team it is necessary to do it through daily play.

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In kindergarten, playing with your classmates will help you understand many of the details that we have just explained, but at home, fun should not be much different from that teaching that is instilled in the institution where you are.

Mom, dad, brothers and the rest of the family should take a few hours of their time to share their games.

It is necessary to establish a correct communication between all so that the child learns that by listening and offering criteria a good consensus is reached for the group.

Housework can also help a lot in this teaching. If the home team works with the same goal (doing housework), cleaning and order are achieved much faster than if it were done by just one person.

At this point the child must learn that not because he is the little one he is exempt from this type of work, but that each one, according to his strength and ability, has the responsibility to carry out a certain task.

Teach your child to work as a team

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