This Video Will Give You A Lesson On Rare Diseases

Rare diseases can be a serious setback. However, they are not the end of life, just the beginning of a new one.
This video will teach you a lesson about rare diseases

“Beach or Mountain” is the title of the fantastic spot created by the Mehuer Foundation. A campaign that tries to teach a lesson about rare diseases and has managed to excite the whole world. The organization made a short that went viral with a significant power and left each viewer reached speechless.

It is not for less, because it is a video about the love children in the face of adverse circumstances of this nature.   It begins by reflecting the most beautiful situation that a couple can share: waiting for a child. An authentic adventure where emotions, fears and hopes are mixed.

But what happens to that hope if life returns you to an unthinkable reality? Are you ready to face, together with your baby, any of the many rare diseases that exist? . The value of this spot lies in raising the importance of accepting changes in route to enjoy new landscapes.

“If life changes its course, you will see other places that can also be wonderful”


“Beach or mountain”, the spot on rare diseases

The starting point is the best news any couple or marriage can receive: the arrival of a baby in their lives. That pregnancy draws smiles on faces and spreads joy among loved ones, which is why the desire to share it with everyone is born.

For this reason, the short establishes a certain analogy between this wait and the planning of an idyllic trip to the beach, which has always been dreamed of. In this wait, many emotions invade future parents: enthusiasm, illusion, anxiety. Until the countdown comes to an end, they pack their bags and there they go!

However, their plans are thwarted. So the couple must change course and take their first steps on terrain with more obstacles: “Welcome to the mountain. ” This new destination is used to refer to the outcome of the pregnancy and the beginning of that new life affected by a low prevalence pathology.

This change in the north of life is synthesized in the face of the new mother, who hovers between surprise, bewilderment and fear. But with her baby in her arms, taking her finger with her little hands, she recharges energy to climb the mountain, avoid rocks and ascend to the top. In short, to face adversity.

It’s not the end of the road, just a change of direction


And, as stated in this video, the fact that a son or daughter suffers from any of the rare diseases is initially a hard blow. But it is up to one to use that change of destiny to allow for and appreciate beauty, joy, and deep satisfaction.

Rare diseases: love in adversity

This video was created by the organization that promotes research on low prevalence pathologies and directed by Emilio Aragón. An original means to raise awareness about rare diseases that affect 3 million people in Spain, while throughout Europe the number of patients rises to 30 million.

“You are not alone”, reads a videograph about the end of the spot. And it is true, since it is estimated that more than 42 million residents in Latin America are also struggling for access to adequate diagnosis and treatment.

Undoubtedly, many parents experience an unexpected setback in life by having a child affected by these rare diseases, turning their lives into stories of overcoming. And you, have you already watched this inspiring video? What do you think about this initiative?.

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