The Influence Of Childhood Enuresis On The Child’s Self-esteem

The influence of childhood enuresis on the child's self-esteem

If you find pee in your child’s bed, do not scold him, it is childhood enuresis and although this may be something normal, it is surely affecting his self-esteem. We tell you how to deal with the problem from the support and understanding to regain confidence and routine to the bathroom.  

Peeing on the bed can be normal for children, especially when they are learning to control their bowels on their own.

However, When infantile enuresis is over 5 years of age and occurs frequently, it is time to worry and address the problem .  

Beginning at 5 or 6 years of age, childhood enuresis usually occurs in young children represents a time of personal failure, stress, frustration and shame in front of their other little friends , which many times affects their self-esteem, generates anxiety , poor school performance and worsens the situation even more.

In this sense, an adequate treatment can help to improve the case, however , it is the support and understanding of the parents that will motivate the child to reduce psychological discomfort and to face going to the bathroom on his own again.

Dear Mommy, children in themselves demand a great deal of attention, and even more so when they have an episode of enuresis, so the best thing is explain to him with great patience and with tons of love that it can happen to any little boy his age.

Studies have shown that the inability to control the sphincters after 5 years affects around 20% of children and has a higher incidence in boys

Bedwetting: What You Shouldn’t Do

Is essential deal with the problem early, otherwise, this can significantly affect your child’s emotional state Therefore, it is good to know what you should not do in the event of a “small accident” to help you overcome it and feel better.

As good moms, many times we make the mistake of worrying or exaggerating with exaggeration about a problem with our little ones. However , it is important to control our emotions and try to minimize the idea that it is “something bad ”.

As we expressed before, it is something normal, therefore, it is convenient avoid reproaches, scolding, drama, bad faces and especially punishments . Remember that they are children and possibly not even they understand what is happening.

Another aspect that we must avoid is to lift the children at different times to encourage them to urinate since although it is true that this can give good results, it is possible to trigger other problems when falling asleep again, such as insomnia or tantrums.

Reinforce your progress and contact a specialist

However, We cannot ignore the assistance of a specialist, both a pediatrician and a psychologist since they are the most indicated to guide us in solving the difficulty and increase the self-esteem of the most spoiled of the house.

In the event that the situation persists, there is nothing to worry about, nowadays we can count on therapies and certain treatments (even pharmacological) to solve the problem and recover the quality of life of the little ones.

In the home , it is good to reinforce your efforts , that is, encourage them every time they can go to the bathroom alone, organize a calendar so that this motivates you to visualize their progress, help them change their bedding and pajamas once the “little accident” has occurred, plan exercises to control urination, among other tasks.

Each progress that children make in order to overcome childhood enuresis, accompanied by praise , samples of approval, support and satisfaction will make them feel better and can work with all the effort to alleviate the problem.  

Peeing at night is undoubtedly an episode that affects the self-esteem of young children and their ability to relate to other children their age, but the two essential ingredients to help them regain trust are family support and understanding .

If so, the little one will go to the bathroom by himself and we will see how little by little he regains the ability to interact with play friends without grief or frustration.

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