The Glucose Test For Pregnancy

We tell you everything you need to know about glucose tests for pregnancy: Why are they necessary? How are they done? Which population is most likely to be affected and what to do if the test is positive?
Glucose test for pregnancy

The glucose test for pregnancy is a routine test that women who are between 24 and 28 weeks of gestation are ordered to perform. Its objective is to rule out the pathology called gestational diabetes.

Gestational diabetes, which is translated as high blood sugar, usually affects a low percentage of women: no more than 5% of pregnant women.  However, it has a higher incidence in Latina women, Afro-descendants, North American, Asian or women who have overweight or very bad eating habits.

But you should not be scared: as we mentioned before, it is a routine exam and its execution does not generate major discomfort. Next, we will tell you how it is done and will even include some recommendations in case the result is positive.

Glucose test for pregnancy

Why Should You Get a Pregnancy Glucose Test?

The reason why specialists advise pregnant women to have a glucose test for pregnancy is because the alterations in the pancreas during this period are asymptomatic. However, this is not incompatible with the existence of an underlying metabolic pathology. The most common of these is gestational diabetes, according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences .

This means that the mother does not feel any particular discomfort related to her insulin levels.  Therefore, the only way to determine if you are developing or already have gestational diabetes is from the test.

With what parameters it is determined if the glycemic values ​​are elevated?

However, the parameters to establish if indeed a mother has abnormal blood glucose levels vary according to the criteria of the doctor. However, they basically start from the following guideline:

  • The doctor of a woman  who has a blood test of 140 mg / Dl will consider her values ​​to be elevated. From that first test, the professional will instruct you to perform a second test.
  • The second test, which is aimed at mothers who presented a value equal to or greater than 140 ml / Dl, consists of taking a liquid on an empty stomach that will be supplied by the doctor or directly in the laboratory. If the result is greater than 200 mg / Dl, it could be concluded that, indeed, the patient suffers from gestational diabetes.
The glucose test for pregnancy helps prevent gestational diabetes, which is asymptomatic.

How is the test performed?

To perform this test, the mother does not need to go through any special preparation.  On the contrary, you are asked to eat the foods you eat regularly a week before attending the laboratory. This will ensure that the exam reflects more accurate data.

There are two types of tests related to glucose testing for pregnancy. In the first, the mother must drink a drink that contains glucose; After waiting an hour, a blood sample will be taken to check how the pancreas processes the intake of the sweet drink.

If the values ​​of that first test are high, then another appointment will be scheduled for a second fasting test. In this, after ingesting the sugary drink, at least two samples will be taken in a period of three hours.

Possible discomfort during the test

In most cases, patients do not feel any discomfort when taking the glucose test for pregnancy. Only in very low percentages can they feel nauseous and some may vomit; especially if they perform the second discard test, which lasts three hours, since they must ingest higher amounts of glucose.

It is of vital importance that the pregnant woman complies with the medical controls, among which is the glucose test for pregnancy.

General information about gestational diabetes

If after taking the tests it is determined that you do indeed have gestational diabetes, you should not lose your cool. This pathology has been shown to manifest itself in the body only until the end of pregnancy.

But that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be treated; therefore, you will be assigned a different meal plan by your doctor or a nutritionist.

It is important that you then carefully follow the instructions that they will give you for the good of the health of the fetus; also because it has been determined that mothers who have gestational diabetes and do not change their eating style run the risk of maintaining the disease in their body.

It is important to test your glucose during pregnancy

The glucose test for pregnancy is nothing more than a routine test to confirm that you are in good health while you are pregnant. Finally, do not forget that diet is the key to comprehensive health. 

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