The Best Relaxation Methods For Children By Age

There are many situations that can cause anxiety and stress in children. Given this, we must know what techniques to use so that the little ones relax.
The best relaxation methods for children by age

Parents and children we need to relax. The society in which we live makes it essential that we take a moment for our well-being. Children sometimes feel nervous and restless, either out of anger or frustration, and need to relax. Next, we are going to see some relaxation methods for children by age.

Surely you have put into practice some of the techniques that we tell you here, but it is always good to have at hand what methods to use according to the age of your child to help them relax.

Benefits of using relaxation methods for children by age

Relaxation is not only good for adults, but it is also good for children. That we can use different techniques adapted to the child’s age will facilitate this task. Let’s see some benefits of using these techniques:

  • Decrease the level of anxiety.
  • Stop stuttering.
  • Prevents asthmatic attacks.
  • Improves the quality and problems of sleep.
  • Increases the quality of the child’s learning.
  • Decreases the frequency of nervous tics.
  • Improves concentration and memory.
  • Improvements, in general, in the well-being of the little ones.
  • Reduces muscle tension.
  • It helps control emotions, especially in those cases in which children have outbursts of anger and aggression.

Relaxation methods for children by age

All parents have ever had to fight with a child who is angry, frustrated, tired or who is nervous because he has to make a presentation at school. As a mother and a psychologist, what I recommend the most is to use relaxation techniques, both parents and children, to combat stress.

At home, I use them with my son quite often and, furthermore, we do it at the same time; it’s another way to spend time together. Let’s see which ones we can use according to the age of the child.

For babies from 0 to 3 years

At these ages, children can participate less, so we will use techniques with which parents can help them relax.

Child lying on the floor doing relaxation exercises.

Shantala massage

This technique consists of stimulating, relaxing and helping children to sleep through touch. It is important to do these massages when the baby is calmer, not in the middle of a tantrum. We can help ourselves with quiet and soft music, dim lighting and adequate room temperature.

The massages are directed at the feet, legs, stomach, back, chest, arms and hands. On the internet we can surely find some examples of how to do this massage.

 Flask of Calm

We can start using this method when the tantrums start, around two years of age. We can create a pot of calm so that, when shaken, the glitter moves and gets out of control, as he is at that moment so that, as the glitter falls, the child begins to relax.

For children from 3 to 7 years

In this stage the participation of children is more active than in the previous one.

Turtle Technique

Here the child has to imagine that he is a turtle, so he will have to turn upside down. We will tell him that the sun has set and that the little turtle has to go to sleep. So, we have to slowly shrink his legs and arms until they are under his back, which will be the shell. After this, we will tell you that it has already dawned and that you can leave again in the same way that you entered.

Ant technique

This is similar to the previous one, only you have to imagine that it is an ant and it has to shrink to become very very small and, while it transforms, we will tell it to relax the muscles.

Balloon technique

This is about imagining that you are a balloon and you have to take a deep breath to fill your lungs ; After this, you have to exhale the air very slowly. It will repeat it several times. This technique is very effective for children with ADHD problems.

It is important that while doing these activities you control your breathing so that your muscles are calming down and relaxing.

More relaxation methods for children by age

Boy doing a yoga posture as part of his meditation.

For children from 7 to 9 years old

These children already have better control over themselves and, therefore, we can use some somewhat more complex methods.


First, we will ask the child to tense his muscles and move as if he were a robot. After a minute being a robot, we will ask you to imagine that you are a rag doll, so your arms, legs, and trunk have to relax. Thus, we will take their limbs and we will have to move them as if they were rag.


We can accompany this technique with music and it can be guided by us or any audio we find about meditation. It is important that adults accompany children in this activity, sitting on the floor, in silence and paying attention to everything that happens around us while we are still.

Paint mandalas

This method is increasingly widespread and can be done by both children and adults. It is a very relaxing activity that frees the mind from any thoughts other than color. Painting mandalas helps develop patience and lowers anxiety levels.

Child painting mandalas, one of the relaxation methods for children by ages.

For children from 9 to 12 years old

At these ages we can use any technique that helps the child to relax and can do it in any situation in which they feel nervous, such as an exam. One of the methods that we can use is Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation. Also, if children practice it frequently, it will be very easy for them to do it when needed.

This consists of tensing the different parts of the body for 10 seconds and then gently relaxing them. Breathing will be done by inhaling deeply for a few seconds and exhaling slowly.

So far some of the relaxation methods for children by age that are sure to be helpful for those situations in which both you and your little ones need to relax.

Today we are immersed in a continuous coming and going in which stress is part of life, but we must know how to stop a little and be able to find a moment for our well-being and that of our children. So, what are you waiting for to put all these techniques in motion?

The importance of child relaxation

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