Thanks To The Anti-smoking Law There Is Less Childhood Asthma And Premature Births Than 6 Years Ago

Thanks to the anti-smoking law there is less childhood asthma and premature births than 6 years ago

In Spain there is less childhood asthma and premature births than 6 years ago. The good news is due to the approval of the new anti-smoking law that entered into force on January 2, 2011 and came to modify the old anti-smoking law of 2006. Today, after 6 years of having been enacted and put into practice the referred legislation can breathe better health in public spaces that were previously invaded by smoke.

Measures included in the new anti-smoking law

The new anti-smoking law prohibits the consumption of tobacco in any place of collective use that is not outdoors and where the consumption of this drug can make passive smokers of all who share the premises.

Children, above all, have the right to breathe clean, healthy and nicotine-free air, for this reason, the law is not only limited to indoor spaces, but also extends the prohibition to outdoor spaces for children such as educational centers, nurseries and playgrounds.

Other details included in the statute restrict the consumption of said poison in workplaces and speak about the need to provide spaces for smokers.

Health problems for children and pregnant women caused by tobacco use

Preterm births and other problems associated with tobacco use

Tobacco use during pregnancy is one of the risk factors that can lead to premature labor.

It should be known that preterm labor or premature birth is that which occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy when some of the baby’s organs have not yet reached full development.

A child born early is at risk of developing necrotizing enterocolitis (inflammation that leads to the death of some areas of the intestines), jaundice, bronchopulmonary dysplasia and any other abnormality or deficiency that causes death within a few hours or weeks after birth.

The toxins in tobacco pass through the placenta and alter the growth of the fetus, this can cause a low birth weight. Likewise, congenital malformations and other health problems are possible that after birth can prevail into adulthood.

Health problems during childhood

In tobacco smoke there are chemicals that have harmful effects on the health of children.

Inhaling tobacco smoke can lead to sudden infant death syndrome (sudden death of an apparently healthy child under 1 year old).

Minors who live with smokers or are exposed to cigarettes on a daily basis develop respiratory system problems. These little ones often suffer from asthma, pneumonia, allergies, otitis, chronic cough, bronchitis and get sicker than those who live in a smoke-free environment.

Thanks to the anti-smoking law there is less childhood asthma and premature births than 6 years ago

Tobacco use in Spain costs thousands of deaths each year. Although the majority of the deceased are long-term smokers, passive exposure to this legal drug claims a large number of lives.

Regulations such as the new anti-smoking law of 2011 that modified the last law of 2006 reduce the ailments that can afflict those who are not fully aware of the toxins found in the smoke they breathe, and know nothing about the danger to which they are exposed: children in this case.

Respect for people’s health and quality of life should become a premise of this time when they are known for sure, because that is how the statistics and many studies refer to it, the problems generated by consumption, direct or indirect, of the cigar.

For all this say Yes! to the new anti-smoking law. It complies and has to comply with the regulations that it collects. Watch over your health and that of yours.

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