Thank You Sister For Also Being My Friend

A sister is the best gift your parents can give you. A sister is for life, and she can be your best friend.
Thank you sister for being my friend too

You are my friend, more than that little girl, the daughter of my parents, who barely lets me sleep at night and breaks the toys that I like so much. Biologically we are sisters, but our brotherhood does not remain only in the organic characteristics that we share. We are distinguished by trust, affection and mutual complicity.

Since you were born and they took me to see you, when they lifted me off the floor so that I could see you lying in that crib that was too big for you, and they brought me closer to give you a kiss, you became my friend … Because you are much more than a sister for my heart.


A girl’s best friend: her sister

Mothers are friends with their daughters because no one like them to protect, give affection, pamper, help. But sisters, the really good ones, can become best friends by nature. Do you want a faithful companion? Look at your sister.

If he is younger than you, he will second you as soon as you do and have. You will be their guide, their mentor and even their boss. She will not dispute your mandate and will blindly follow your orders. In case it is greater, it will be your protector. The one that will always help you and will not stop defending you from the children who harass you in the nursery.

You and I are that: you are my friend forever

We connect and understand with a simple glance. We know how to read each other’s faces what to say and do when we need to avoid Mom’s scolding. Many times you have blamed yourself for mistakes I have made and when it comes to keeping one of my secrets silent, I trust your silence more than my own.

You are so cute, and so good! However, sometimes we get angry over the cheesiest nonsense: a kiss from daddy, going to the bathroom first, the biggest piece of cake … luckily, just as we get angry quickly, we forget our discrepancies. Only those who have siblings can know about the experiences we live daily. Of course you are my best friend! Today and always.

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How I like you to imitate me

Don’t think I haven’t realized that you love watching me. And you don’t know how much I enjoy that mania. If we sit at the table, you look at me out of the corner of your eye to see how I grab the spoon, chew, or what I eat first.

You copy me when choosing the color of clothes, shoes, hairstyle; Even when we dress up with mom’s clothes and we want to put on makeup, I always want to be a mom, and you love to be me. I feel that you have me as an example and you want to behave as I do.

I will learn everything to teach you

Because I feel great and, in fact, I am, I know that I have a duty to teach you. That is why I study every day and learn more at school. I need to have enough knowledge to answer the strange questions you ask me :

  • “Sister, why does the bird fly?”
  • Why is number 2 called number 2?

I have the responsibility to teach you to identify colors, sing, wag your waist when you dance, put on your stockings and shoes, comb your hair, brush your teeth, dress… a whole wealth of knowledge.


Thank you sister for being my friend too


I am that little hand that does not let you fall and helps you walk. I let you share my games, even though mine are big girl games and yours are more childish. I will never hurt you, I will not make you cry and, even less, I will want something bad to happen to you.  I will share it all with you just as I do now.

I will always care about your problems. I’ll laugh and applaud your accomplishments, just like Mommy and Daddy do mine. I will accompany you and give you my help every time you ask me, even if we are grown up and live in different houses.

I, your older sister, am doing everything to become a better girl so that one day you will say to me: Thank you sister for also being my friend. Although someone may say that in that dream there are drops of vanity, it is a healthy wish that I look forward to…  Because you, my dear sister, will always have a place in my heart.

My older sister, the best companion of my life

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