Teach Your Child The Value Of Spending Time With Himself

Teach your child the value of spending time with himself

Very few people in the world enjoy the pleasure of spending time with themselves, of being with their own company. Moreover, very few know that you are never really alone, that you are always with yourself. This pleasure of enjoying solitude is a habit that can be cultivated from childhood and there is no one better than you to teach it to your child.

Enjoying time alone gives any human being the gift of self-confidence, which also translates into a feeling of satisfaction and independence that your child can enjoy from an early age.

And it is not about your child becoming a lonely, self-absorbed or isolated child, because on the contrary when a child acquires independence he learns to enjoy the moments in which he can share with other children and adults and also those who stay alone.

And living these types of experiences will help you learn progressively that happiness or inner peace comes from the sum of friends that surround us.

Many children – and even many adults – find it difficult to be alone because when they are alone they become uncomfortable or are overcome by a feeling of emptiness or despair. That sometimes happens because they give others the power to govern their emotions or actions. Generally, this type of behavior occurs when the child does not understand that he, on his own, can discover a world full of emotions.

You can teach your child that if he is alone and remains at peace, he will always be able to be at peace with other people.  If you are able to control your emotions, you will understand that you are a unique being, with feelings that are different from those of others; that will lead him to accept himself just as he is, with his successes and mistakes. You will learn to soften the rigor of judging yourself harshly for circumstances beyond your control.

Silent time is the door to self-knowledge

When a child (or an adult) is alone and in silence, they make room for self-awareness to take control of their actions, instead of being controlled by the “hazards of destiny.” In addition, taking a break from external voices will put the child in tune with his inner voice and it will be that voice that will drive his actions. Being aware of your thoughts will allow you to have better external control. And the moments alone will make you an observer of your thoughts.

Many times when children do not learn to enjoy alone, but always have the need to be with others, a kind of emotional dependence is created in their personality, because without realizing it they feed the habit of being around people to feel complete. When you are in front of these types of cases, you may notice that these children do not rest in themselves but they acquire the feeling of self-worth when they receive from other gestures of benevolence, praise, and confirmation.

In contrast to this aspect, it is vital to emphasize that when you teach your child the value of spending time with him, he learns that he can use those moments to reflect.

It is good that you can learn to ask yourself questions and to listen to what you really think about certain topics. He will undoubtedly learn the value of being able to search his thoughts without the opinion of others or the intervention of other children with a tendency to be dominant, who often impose their thoughts.

Stillness helps to reflect

Your task as a mother is, among other things, to teach him that he does not become completely closed in on himself, that the most useful thing to reflect on is to share what he has internalized with others.

I assure you that he will be pleasantly surprised to discover how sometimes others have reflected the same as him and, better yet, he will see that with his experiences, thoughts and reflections he can help other children.

And in addition to the self-knowledge that spending time with yourself gives your child, this practice also favors the most complex and powerful organ of the human body: the brain.

This, like the rest of the body’s organs, benefits from the activity of the rest. And this is demonstrated by research conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles.

A study carried out by this university showed that in the moments that children spend with themselves, during which they disengage from obligations, and remain seated in silence and with a calm mind, they favor the folds of the cortex and increase the capacity to process. information.

Undoubtedly, the exercise of enjoying time alone will help your child to know himself better as an individual, to listen to his feelings, to cultivate his inner self and to work little by little to achieve a balance that allows him to be happy through experience acquired. For a child to achieve such a level of self-assertion as an individual should be every mother’s dream.

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