Swaddling The Baby: Is It Safe?

We tell you what the experts say about the practice of swaddling the baby. You know how to do it?
Swaddling the baby: is it safe?

New dads often have concerns about a lot of issues, especially when it comes to their little one’s health. One of the most frequent lately is about whether or not it is safe to swaddle the baby.

This is actually a tradition dating back to the 17th century, mostly in parts of the Middle East, but little known in Western societies. However, in Nordic countries, as well as in the United States or the United Kingdom, it has become fashionable again. But is it safe?

Child wrapped thanks to the technique of wrapping babies.

Does swaddling have benefits?

The swaddling technique (in English) refers to placing a tight blanket around a baby to reduce the movements of the arms and legs, resembling the sensation they had in the mother’s womb.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), using the technique correctly can help calm babies, decrease awakenings and cry time, especially in the little ones.

On the other hand, other benefits are found in specific groups. For example, with babies born with very low weight, their neuromuscular development improves, and premature babies who are swaddled have fewer behavioral disturbances, according to a study by M. Neu and   JV Browne .

What risks can it have?

However, despite the benefits that were found in this technique, there are also studies that show that it is not always recommended.

In 2016, a group of researchers published a meta-analysis in which they analyzed two studies in relation to this practice and sudden infant death. In it, they concluded that swaddling the baby and placing him to sleep on his side or stomach multiplied the risk of sudden death by two compared to those who were not swaddled.

In addition, they were able to verify that the danger increased with age, being even greater after the baby’s six months of life. On the other hand, there is also evidence that swaddled babies may be predisposed to pneumonia and other respiratory problems.

Noting that this practice is common in Turkey and China and that both countries have very high rates of neonatal pneumonia, they decided to do tests at a teaching health center in Ankara:

How to swaddle the baby safely?

In 2017, the American Academy of Pediatrics provided a series of guidelines for those who wanted to swaddle babies to do so safely.

Girls wrapped.
  • It should be done face up . It is one of the recommendations to prevent sudden infant death. Absolutely all babies should be placed on their back to sleep, especially if they are swaddled.
  • Do not swaddle babies over two months. When the little ones begin to move, one of the dangers is that they can turn and remain face down. In this way, they could have problems due to suffocation or risk of sudden death, as we saw earlier.
  • Allow freedom of movement. At this point they mainly refer to not tightening the leg area to avoid hip dysplasia. As a measure at the top, you should be able to insert a hand between the blanket and the baby’s chest and avoid leaving it too loose.

    If you are one of the parents who chooses to swaddle your baby, keep in mind that although it is true that he will sleep more hours and more deeply, there is also the possibility that if something happens to him, he will not be able to wake up, and this can be a risk.

    With this information, you will be able to make a more conscious decision according to your beliefs and needs. Talk it over with your pediatrician for more security.

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