Social Pressure To Be A Mother

Many women feel a kind of social pressure to be mothers. In any case, it is a misconception since each mother should feel free to choose when the most opportune moment comes.
Social pressure to be a mother

Most women become mothers by a certain inertia, which is derived from social mechanics.  And it is that, over the years, it comes down to the following idea: if you are a woman, you grow up, you get married and have children. In fact, there is a social pressure to be a mother that many women experience. In any case, we are going to take advantage of the following article to deal with this topic in more detail.

Certainly, many women have to listen to a lot of questions and comments when they decide that they do not want to have children.  While it’s often helpful to get advice and information from other people, sometimes the pressure can influence you more than you think.

This explains that just as parents should tell a child that peer pressure should not influence their actions, it is also something that many moms and dads should remember more often.

For example, if you are at a party where parents drink a lot of alcohol, you can easily have more drinks than you normally would at home. However, in this article we are going to deal with another type of pressure that is much more important and relevant: social pressure to be a mother.

The pressure between friends to be a mother

In a society where birth rates are boosted, women who choose not to have children often feel isolated and misunderstood. Many women turn to their natural instinct to make the decision: the natural desire to procreate and nurture. However, women do not have the parenting license. So why is there social pressure?

The truth is that many women feel left out, as their friends get pregnant and switch to the roles of mom and dad. These women hang out with groups of others their age and find themselves alone in the crowd, as the conversation shifts from diapers to daycare options.

Social pressure to be a mother.

In contrast, some women are simply not cut out for motherhood.  And it is that women who have children due to social pressure, many times, believe that they will love their children simply because they are women.

They believe that they will become good mothers once the baby is born. Yet these are the same moms you will find staring at their smartphones, ignoring the child when he cries. Along with the absolutely unrealistic expectations that society places on mothers, there is a high probability that all of them will fail. In any case, below we are going to see what are the best tips  or advice to deal with this type of social pressure.

Cope with the pressure

Getting to know yourself and having a solid understanding of why you have chosen not to have children may be the best way to deal with peer pressure to be a mother, giving you full awareness of your reasons for doing so.

Your list of reasons may include the things you would have had to sacrifice if you had become a mother, as well as your goals and passions in life in general, and where you have spent your time and energy. On the other hand, if you do not have children due to circumstances beyond your control, focus on the positive aspects of this situation.

Also,  if you find yourself in a situation where you feel pressured or judged for not having children, handle it as you see fit. In fact, if you don’t want to talk about your personal life, you just have to say so. If you choose to talk about your life choice, do so assertively. Remember that this does not mean criticizing, intimidating or controlling the other person, but honestly expressing your own feelings with respect and understanding.

Group of friends having dinner.

And, as a woman, you are lucky to live in a society that really allows you to choose. In this sense, the more aware you are of why you choose a particular lifestyle, the less you will experience uncertainty in the face of pressure.


Finally, we remind you that social pressure to be a mother is nothing more than a tendency that is due, in part, to the influence of the norm. Deviating from the usual behaviors of one social group has always challenged others. In any case, as a woman, you should not suffer any type of social pressure and you should feel free to make the decision that you consider the best.

Women's biological clock

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