Risks Of Pregnancy After 40

Risks of pregnancy after 40

Today, many women delay the age to become pregnant. This delay in motherhood usually has a variety of reasons. Marriage in advanced age, professional and personal fulfillment, fertility problems, financial difficulties, etc. But there are certain risks of pregnancy after 40, as we see below.

In Spain, the average age to get pregnant is around 31 years. But many delay it until after 35. As the age of the woman advances, and she approaches 40, her fertility decreases.

However, today there are many medical and technological advances that make it possible for late pregnancies to come to fruition, despite the risks involved.

It is true that there are certain risks associated with a late age, but it is a decision that must be analyzed as a couple. Be that as it may, you have to be sure of the possible consequences and problems that could arise. Once everything is valued, it’s time to decide.

Next, we are going to analyze some of the risks and care that you should take into account if you decide to have a pregnancy after 40.

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What are the risks of a pregnancy after 40?


The probability of becoming pregnant decreases the older the mother is. If you have been trying to stay in condition for more than six months and are unsuccessful, you should talk to your doctor about possible fertility treatments.

Risk of chromosomal abnormalities

The most common is Down syndrome, which is characterized by varying degrees of mental retardation and heart malformations. The probability of this syndrome increases with the age of the mother:

  • 1 in 1250 babies by age 25
  • One in 400 babies by age 35
  • 1 in 100 babies by age 40
  • 1 in 30 babies at age 45

Risks of abortion

In women over 40, the risk of losing a baby doubles when compared to a woman in her 20s or early 30s.

Arterial hypertension

This usually occurs at the end of the second trimester and remains so until the pregnancy ends. The probability increases with maternal age. This problem requires rigorous monitoring of the mother and the fetus, sometimes leading to induced labor.

Gestational diabetes

With age, the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy increases. This affects the mother and the baby if it is not controlled properly, causing urinary infections, excessive weight gain or premature delivery.


It is a serious problem that usually appears during pregnancy. Preeclampsia causes high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and swelling of the face and hands. It can add problems to the nervous system, causing seizures and strokes among other serious complications.

Problems in childbirth

The risks of complications in childbirth increase in women over 40 who have their first baby. Among the most frequent problems are:

  • Premature delivery
  • Placenta previa (the placenta is abnormally positioned over the opening of the cervix)
  • Postpartum hemorrhages
  • Amniotic fluid with meconium (fetal waste, which can be harmful if aspirated at birth)
  • Cesarean delivery (risks associated with age and other factors may cause the mother to require a cesarean section to avoid other possible complications)

    What to do to minimize the risks of pregnancy after 40?

    • pregnant woman at doctor's office

      Find out from your doctor about genetic complications and the tests you have to take during pregnancy to detect them.

    • Take vitamins. Take folic acid before you get pregnant to avoid spina bifida in your baby.
    • If you have pre-pregnancy illnesses, make sure they are controlled and stable before you get pregnant.
    • Eat a healthy and balanced diet.

    After reading the risks, if you are one of the mothers who has decided to delay the moment of motherhood, do not worry, there are more and more medical advances that minimize all the negative effects of age. In addition, you can enjoy the happiness of being a parent after having your professional career developed and dedicating more time to the new member of the family.

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