Postpartum Self-esteem Problems?

Postpartum self-esteem issues?

When our baby is born we can feel many emotions within our hearts, but now the path that we have to discover begins. Despite the joy, many moms feel bad about their new physical appearance and may begin to develop postpartum self-esteem issues .

As usual, this feeling of discomfort comes from those extra kilos that our body now has . For nine months, the body was preparing to receive that little angel who came to enlighten your life and, as part of this process, it needed to gather a few extra kilos, but have you ever wondered why?

Weight gain influences low self-esteem postpartum

Weight gain is a fundamental event that should happen to pregnant women . In the first place, this represents a sign of growth of the little one who is on the way, since about three or four kilos correspond to the baby and the rest are divided as follows:

  • Placenta: between 0.9 and 1.4 kg.
  • Amniotic fluid: 0.9 and 1.4 kg.
  • Blood volume: 1.8 kg.
  • Increase in the size of the uterus: from 0.9 to 2.3 kg.
  • Breast growth: between 0.9 and 1.4 kg
  • Water reserve (childbirth and lactation): between 2.3-4.1 kg.

If you add up all those kilos, you will see that the 11 or 15 kilos you gain have a reason for being. Y, the body is so wise that it prepared itself perfectly to face that long stage of breastfeeding .

Although this fact has an important justification, some mothers get depressed because they think they will never have that mermaid body they had before . And, as a consequence, they become depressed and begin to have self-esteem problems.

Other reasons for low self-esteem postpartum

One of the most beautiful moments for a woman is the pregnancy  because you are going to create within your womb the purest love that can exist. However, you have to be prepared for many, many changes that your body could experience . Let’s see what are the other causes that arouse these self-esteem problems:

  • The dreaded stretch marks – appear in the belly area, breasts, hips, arms and legs. Sudden stretching of the skin, caused by the baby’s growth or weight gain, causes these lesions to appear.
  • Sagging : the tissues that line the belly suffer the most during pregnancy. And, for that reason, it is normal that after your little one is born, you see that it was a little loose.
  • Spots on the skin : continuous hormonal changes can cause spots on any part of the body, especially the face.
  • Hair loss : after you have your baby in your arms, your body will try to stabilize itself at the hormonal level and makes all its efforts to give it what your little one needs, through breastfeeding.
  • Loss of volume in the breasts : as you lose weight and dedicate yourself to breastfeeding your baby, it is likely that your breasts will lose volume and will not be the same as before.

We want to invite you to feel happy about what happens to you… Yes! Just as you read it. Women are warriors and brave and we can find the strength to see each transformation as a mark of a battle won. .

Tips to overcome low self-esteem

Pregnancy poses an incredible amount of challenges for women. One of the most important is to change everything that is linked to self-image, in favor of another human being . Therefore, it is a courageous act of love that propels life.

In this sense, it is essential that you focus on the following tips to avoid these postpartum self-esteem problems:

  • Accept your changes because they are the ones that allowed you to give life to a being that will fill you with joy .
  • Watch that you diet  is rich in nutrients and vitamins.
  • Don’t focus on self-criticism . Little by little, your body will return to the same as before with the help of an exercise routine and good nutrition.
  • Remember that breastfeeding  will help you lose weight .
  • Your partner should be the main emotional support, who supports you and values ​​your new beauty.
  • Ask for professional help .

You are beautiful and that baby that you have by your side is part of that beauty . Your body changed because you were able to fill the world with light. You will not be the same as before, now you are better.  

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