My Son Starts College

Starting college brings many changes for your teenager. Therefore, in this article we tell you some tips that you should keep in mind to help him.
My son starts college

Going from school to university is often synonymous with new friends, different teachers and the opportunity to really train in what you want to learn. Without a doubt, starting college is always special for any teenager; It is one of the most remembered times in adulthood and is one of the most influential.

Taking this next step for young people can leave them excited and concerned about the challenges they will face. As a mother, it is important that you help your child prepare for college, in addition to accompanying him through this transition, which represents a significant step in his personal growth.

My son starts college: what do I need to know

Here are some tips related to the most common concerns of new students:

1. The choice of vocational guidance

First of all, you should know that there are many young people who are enrolled in university studies and are still not sure about the study program in which they are interested. This indecision is quite normal, but it can be difficult to experience.

As a mother, you have to  listen and encourage your child when it comes time to consider his interests and abilities  when choosing an orientation for his university studies. In most universities, there is a student guidance and service office that aims to help them make the right decision.

If my son starts college, how can I help him at this stage?

2. Finance

All financial matters must be resolved before your child begins college. This may seem like a difficult task, although it is a very important fact.

In this sense, the first step to carry out should be to accompany your child to open a bank account for students. Most of the major banks offer youth deals with free services.

On the other hand, if your child plans to receive student funding from the government, they should contact the finance department to begin the procedure.

Certainly, securing student finances is a long process, so it should be made a priority. In the end, all you need to do is reassure and help your child make the right decisions and give him the confidence to manage his budgets.

3. Essential supplies

When teens enter freshman year of college, shopping becomes much more complicated. Not only will they need the school supplies, but they also need a wide range of basic items, especially for those who will be studying away from home.

Therefore, you should make a list of what your child needs and has to buy. This can prevent impulse purchases and the omission of essential products.

You can also make another list of the things you need to take home with you. Let her take items to her new home that interest her and make her feel good.

Young people may have mixed feelings when they first leave the house ; Make sure your child brings a few items, such as photos or other favorite mementos, to make their freshman year in dorm feel more like home.

4. Report cards

College students are considered adults, so unlike the school stage,  universities are not required to inform parents about school reports and only send them to the student.

Therefore, if you want to always be aware of their academic results, you can talk to your child before the beginning of the year to share this information with you. This moment represents a very good opportunity to explain your expectations as a parent, especially if you are financing their studies.

Summer courses for teens are an excellent opportunity for young people to socialize.

5. Adaptation and social integration

During the first weeks of college, new students frequently experience challenges in terms of adaptation and social integration. In addition, those who have had to leave the parental home to continue their university studies in another city or country may experience boredom and a desire to return home.

Also, if you notice that your child is having difficulty adjusting to changes and integrating into his new experience, encourage him to persevere and invite him to participate in student life from the beginning. The first few weeks are crucial, because there are many opportunities to meet with new colleagues who live on campus.

Finally, do not forget that starting university is a very important moment for all young people. As a mother, you must help your child make this transition moment as comfortable as possible. It will surely be one of the best stages of your life!

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