My Grandson: The Little Piece Of Heaven That Life Gave Me

My grandson is the best gift my son could give me. The personification of innocence, love and a pure and unique bond.
My grandson: the little piece of heaven that life gave me

My grandson is the little piece of heaven that life gave me. It is a second chance that the gods have given me to do things well, to continue building the future. It is my occasion to love without measures and without additional worries.

That child, the fruit of the love of that little being that I saw being born, today is my everything. It gives me the necessary encouragement to overcome the ailments of age. It is he who gives me reasons to continue inhabiting this world, just to stay by his side.

My grandson has become the oxygen that today allows me to live intensely day-to-day. It is that little universe that I rotate through night and day. Source of admiration and deep adoration, fills my home with color with each visit and fills the last sections of my existence with happiness.

My grandson, my best gift

My grandson is the best gift my son could give me. The love I feel for him is unique, so different from that immense feeling that overwhelmed me when I first met my beloved son. That is why my little grandson is the heir of all my time, for having given me the sparkle in his eyes and his contagious smile.

For he rekindled my capacity for wonder by lengthening my life with the blood of hope and illusion. It is the most perfect dream that fortunately has come true. Today, the sound of her innocent voice has become my flag. His images distributed throughout my house are like trophies of the champion of life itself.

My grandson is the best award I could have received after lovingly raising my little piece of sunshine. Today he gave me the most beautiful horizon. Much heaven for this grandmother who never tires of loving, and who waits all the time to fill that little one with kisses and bear hugs who has so much love to offer.

My grandson is my past, my present and my future. My history, my family and my blood. For this reason, I can never refuse your requests. Because of him I am able to achieve the impossible. He is my spoiled child, my favorite accomplice and companion.

That boy is a passage to travel to the past and remember those beautiful days of my childhood. Feel the old aromas and games. Recall my past innocence, imagination and freshness, recreating myself in his. In short, remember the purity that it carried and assimilate what I have lost through the years.

My grandson, my dream and my occupation

That little boy that I see growing up in front of me allowed me to dream again, by being a participant in his dreams. It showed me that I have so much to learn … it awakened in me new passions that I thought were impossible. In short, he came to this world to finish softening my heart even more.

Seeing what is considered fabulous, listening to those stories that have you astonished, watching it swing or slide down the slide is to see pure magic. Her precious little face and that sweet  “grandmother” were enough to drive me crazy. That is why I promise to lower the moon for you, get close to the sun and fill with sweets every afternoon.

Indulging in every whim, giving him all my love, accompanying him in every aspect of his life became my sport. Remembering the art of changing diapers, calming tantrums, sitting on the lap to entertain was a priority since the arrival of my grandson.

A unique love

And what difference does it make if my son, son-in-law or daughter-in-law cannot understand this deep love? What does his fleeting anger matter? Well, I know very well that, just as yesterday they did not understand me and today – being parents – they do, when the day comes to become grandparents they will understand my behavior.

My little piece of heaven, my world, my universe and my everything. That is my grandson for me since his arrival. So I just want him to have a full and happy life, and I ask God to be able to enjoy it with him as much as possible. Well, if some feeling of sadness or pain appears, I want to be the one who wipes the tears and makes a smile of joy on his face.

New feelings, being a grandmother for the first time

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