Modern Dads, Aware Dads

Modern dads, aware dads

The role of dads has transformed over time. Modern dads are actively involved in raising children and are well aware of the many tasks they perform in the family, ranging from rough chores to cradling a baby in their arms. Today’s dads know that their presence at home counts a lot.

In recent years, dads have been leaving the role of merely provider or reproductive man, to conquer a ladder and at the same time a more fertile, nutritious and enriching bond, based on greater emotional commitment and enjoyment of their children.

Nowadays, the number of more participative and involved fathers in raising children is growing. Many men begin to become emotionally involved from the moment of conception, closely and constantly accompanying and supporting their partner during the pregnancy stage.

The days of “lazy dads” are being left behind

According to studies carried out by the Census Bureau of the United States Government, the number of parents who stay at home and take care of everything as housekeepers have doubled in the last decade; this happens while women face the labor market.

This is not only the case in the United States but in many other countries, where the number of fathers who, for example, opt for flexible-time jobs to work from home or, who, after agreement and evaluation with their partner, are increasing more and more They decide to take a break from their careers to take care of parenting.

In Europe and Latin American countries, studies have been done to measure the change in the way in which new dads are bonding with their children. The trend indicates that men are really enjoying the experience of being engaged fathers.

They are very loving and are 100 percent involved in their children’s education. There is even a fairly significant percentage of fathers who agree to sacrifice their salary or their professional development to dedicate more time to their families. 

Generational change is imminent

Many parents perceive that they have a much closer relationship with their children than they had with their parents. Likewise, they feel the need for work permits to be increased to spend more time with their children after giving birth and they are very interested in establishing real work-family reconciliation policies that allow them to spend more time with their family.

modern dads

More and more men are becoming aware that jobs and roles do not always or necessarily depend on gender.

Women have conquered important public spaces that open places within the home for men to participate in the functions that were only attributed to the mother, such as housework and raising children.

Little by little, progress is being made towards a new model of fatherhood, and despite the fact that even the greater burden of domestic work and the upbringing of children are still under the responsibility of mothers, there is certainly progress on the right track with this model of modern father that also is responsible for containing the baby’s emotions.

The materialization of co-responsibility and equity, not only for the benefit of women, but also of men are increasingly palpable. Modern dads are rapidly opening up the possibilities of enriching their human experience through the closest and most intimate encounter and enjoyment with their children and family.

The emergence of a new model that breaks with that of the traditional father is imminent to give way to a new strain of parents, the modern father more committed and active with parenting and who also enjoys the bond with his little ones and family.

Modern parents are breaking stereotypes around them, raising and caring for children no longer depends only on moms. Today they are more involved with their effort to be better parents and that includes spending more time indoors helping to build a home full of values ​​and love.

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