Make Your Dishes Attractive For Your Child To Eat

We are going to give you a series of tricks so that you can prepare attractive dishes with your child. In this way you will be able to educate him and teach him the importance of a balanced diet.
Make your dishes attractive for your child to eat

The vast majority of mothers are usually cop facet and fulfill different roles as designers, cooks, artists and others. The main objective of a high level of involvement in the kitchen is that children eat properly, carrying out a balanced diet.

In this post we put on our chef hat to give you a few tips to cook appetizing recipes and present them in an attractive way so that your child cannot resist eating them. Remember that it is important to educate them from a young age on the importance of a healthy diet, otherwise when they get older they are likely to become overweight.

Attractive and healthy dishes

Making the dishes attractive so that your child does not reject them is very important for him to eat in a healthy way.  For this reason, attracting their attention visually can be an excellent technique for introducing new foods.

Unfortunately, some children suffer from lack of appetite so they eat little,  others play with the food on their plates and so on. There are different reasons why foods are rejected without even having tasted them.

It is for this reason that once again we must get creative when making them, making them attractive presentations to arouse interest through sight.

What you should take into account


Putting ourselves in the position of our child could be a very favorable strategy to understand them a little, since since they are little they ingest only breast milk or substitutes that are usually sweet foods, easy to eat and with a pleasant taste and texture.

It is for this reason that you must progressively propose different options for them to become familiar with the food, and to achieve this, the ideal is to use our imagination and make dishes that are very attractive to the eye and with a pleasant taste.

Always opting for the preparation of sweet dishes is a mistake. If you accustom your child to this flavor too much as a child, he may develop a preference for sugar. This food must be consumed in a timely manner, according to experts, to avoid complex diseases in the medium and long term.

It is very important that you do not stress and do not force him to eat, when he rejects a food, try to reduce the portion size, get different forms of presentation or combination with other foods of his liking.

Praising your child when he eats the portions of food you offer him with pleasure will be a way to encourage him to keep trying new food proposals.

While it is true that in most cases the human being is carried away by the visual, you cannot ignore the senses of smell and taste when cooking ; The food you prepare should taste the same or better than it may seem, which is perhaps the most difficult thing to achieve.

Let him participate in the elaboration of the attractive dishes


Vegetables and fruits can be the proposals that bring the most controversies when it comes to eating  , which makes it very important  that when you prepare them, you are extremely creative to decorate them. Remember that the consumption of these foods is essential. According to research published in the journal Public Health Nutrition , regularly consuming vegetables lowers the risk of developing metabolic problems.

When preparing food it is important that you previously check the ingredients you have in your pantry: vegetables, meats, grains, fruits, cereals, vegetables …

Once you have the selected foods, you can choose a theme, so that you may have to make a spinach puree and a potato puree to make an interesting mix and accompany a protein: chicken, fish or meat also with an innovative form of presentation.

Familiar themes such as farm animals, the sea, and castles, could work to create beauties on your child’s plate.

An excellent option is that you invite him to participate either to propose some ideas or to involve him in certain simple tasks that do not have any type of risk.

In what they finish you should try and praise him for such a delicious result and happily invite him to do the same. Do not forget that it was a joint effort and therefore you must converse in the plural, for example: Isn’t this delicious for us?

Make him see the importance of food

However, it is important to avoid having your child associate fun ideas at meals with a form of play;  You must explain that even though it is entertaining and exciting, mealtime is unique and must be respected.

Make him see that the beautiful figures on his plate have ingredients that help him grow and that each color of food provides different nutrients, which will make it healthy and strong.

Let him know, for example, that cheese helps him to strengthen his bones and teeth and so you can give him different explanations depending on the ingredients that make up his plate.

The time to eat has to be enjoyable, they can talk about what has been the most beautiful dish you have made, what is their favorite, etc. Don’t forget that offering a balanced diet to your child is another way to express your maternal love.

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