Learn To Delegate To Enjoy Motherhood

No one can replace you in your role as mother. But knowing how to delegate and ask for help can allow you to live a fuller and more satisfying motherhood. We tell you why.
Learn to delegate to enjoy motherhood

Motherhood can be a wonderful and rewarding experience, but it can also be exhausting and exhausting. And, in addition to being a mother, you continue to have a multitude of tasks and roles in your life.

You have a house to organize, a job to carry out, and probably a bond to cultivate. But above all, you are still a woman and you need to spend some time caring for yourself. Learning to delegate is essential to address all these facets and, therefore, we want to help you achieve it.

Delegating is allowing another person to perform those tasks that, in principle, we considered ours. There are those who think that this is an act of laziness or negligence. After all, each person has to take care of their responsibilities, right? What happens is that, frequently, we take on tasks that do not necessarily correspond to us and that, in addition, could be carried out with more positive results if we accepted others in the equation.

Exhausted mother with her son in her arms because she has not learned to delegate.

Do you know how to delegate?

Perhaps you are thinking that this matter does not suit you, that it does not reflect the reality of your life. Perhaps you think that you limit yourself to doing your part and that there is no other way to do it. But try to answer the next two questions.

In the first place: do you consider that you are taking adequate care of all the important areas of your life? Do you think that, as you have been organizing so far, it is possible for you to develop on a personal, professional and social level, as well as as a mother?

It is common to have the feeling that the hours of the day are not reached and that the activities are not finished. However, if you are forced to neglect any one of these areas for the amount of time required by another, learning to delegate will be very beneficial.

On the other hand: if you had to go on a trip for a few days tomorrow, would your home and family continue to function properly without you? That is, would your children arrive at school, would they know what extracurricular activities they have each day and would household chores be relatively covered?

If you cannot ensure an affirmative answer, it means that you have become essential. And this, although it may sound comforting, accounts for the great weight you carry on your back.

Why should you start delegating?

Learning to delegate is not easy and is one of the pending tasks of many women who have been mothers. It is very common to feel that no one will be able to take care of your home or your children like you do, not even your partner. It is also possible that it is the other person who is not willing to collaborate or simply has not reached any type of agreement regarding the division of tasks.

Whatever the case, it is important to find a solution. First of all, because taking care of everything can generate high levels of stress, anxiety and dissatisfaction. But, also, because this is to the detriment of the children themselves.

An overwhelmed and exhausted mother will not be in the optimal conditions to care for her children and enjoy them. On the contrary, if you are more liberated, you will enjoy a better physical and mental state.

Learn to delegate to gain quality of life

Delegating is not disregarding your obligations, much less your role as a mother, but it is allowing other people to take part in this day-to-day life. Thus, some of the main steps you can take in this direction are the following:

Mother working while making her daughter wait because she does not want to learn to delegate.
  • You don’t need to be essential. You are already valuable and sufficient for yourself and no one will be able to replace you as the mother of your children; you don’t need to carry all the responsibilities behind your back. Your worth doesn’t depend on how much you do, so give yourself a break and allow yourself to get help.
  • Share chores with your partner, both those related to the home and childcare. But not only that: also share all the responsibilities, the mental load and the organization, so that both of you can function independently if the other is not at home.
  • Ask for help when you need it. Surely you have a support network (family, friends, acquaintances) willing to give you a hand, and turning to it can alleviate much of the burden. Feel free to take advantage of this valuable resource.

In short, delegating will allow you to develop more fully as a human being and, therefore, better exercise your role as a mother. Forget the image of the off-road woman and remember that your well-being and your peace of mind will have a positive impact on the lives of your children.

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