Learn Another “language” To Speak With Your Child

Language learning brings numerous benefits on a personal and intellectual level. If you are within your means, you can help your children in this regard from home.
Learn another "language" to speak with your child

Any mother is capable of doing everything in her power for the well-being of her child, even the impossible. So much so that you decided to learn another “language” to speak with your child. One day, suddenly, you or your doctor discover that the child does not perceive any sound, because he is deaf.

Thousands of doubts go through your mind, many fears invade you. You do not know if you will be up to the complexity that his upbringing will imply, you are paralyzed by the fear of not knowing how to do it well and especially how to include him and avoid him suffering any type of discrimination.

However, time will tell that when there is love, when it comes to parenting there are no impossible things, so that soon you will find yourself doing something unexpected: learning that other “language” to speak with your child. In this article, we tell you about the challenge of acquiring and teaching your little one sign language.

When to start teaching sign language to my child?

Many children are hearing impaired, which does not affect their learning at all as they are just as smart as others and if you teach them properly they will learn just as quickly. However, it should always be considered that these children perceive the world in a different way than we do.

It is estimated that at least 90% of deaf children are children of hearing parents, which is why it is stated that they live in a less efficient communicative environment  compared to those children of deaf parents. Without a doubt, this has consequences for their cognitive and social development.

Children begin to want to communicate with their parents from an early age. Fortunately, specialists argue that it is possible to start teaching them sign language before they are ready to start speaking. Even, several studies advise early incorporation of deaf children to learn this language.

Talk to your child: Where to start?

Teaching deaf children, especially children, requires extreme patience since any act of learning is difficult and time-consuming. Don’t be frustrated if the lesson is not easy, as with constant practice and effort, you will achieve great things.

The optimal method of teaching your child will depend on the degree of disability they have. For children who are completely deaf or severely disabled must acquire at least one form of standardized sign language.


You can also equip your little one with special strategies to help him lead a functional life. Thus, knowing how to read their body language and use of gestures, as well as having the ability to read lips are excellent ways to help these children.

Facilitate learning to talk with your child

By knowing how severe the disability is, you can facilitate both the teaching and learning experiences. To do this, you must make sure to always face children since facial expressions and physical gestures are very important when communicating with them.

Having visual support is another facilitating factor in talking with your child. A blackboard, notepad, books, and other items can help develop a mental image of what the sound or gesture represents by linking it to other information they already had about sounds, words, and signs.

Believe it or not, the use of written language also simplifies this process because the visual system is the main way to absorb information in children with this disability. Of course, don’t write as you speak, and if you do, make sure you are looking at the child.

Sign language

Sign language also includes the way in which the whole body is expressed: the way of standing and the expressions of the face communicate as much as the hands. Therefore, when you talk to your child, you will see that he will not only fix his attentive gaze on your hands but also on your face.


Use everything that helps you communicate with the child: use mimicry, gestures, body movements, signs and gestures of all kinds, point to objects and even appeal the signs of the alphabet that allow you to form words letter by letter.

Who said it would be easy? In fact, at the beginning it will cost and will require a good adaptation. But remember that the one who abandons has no prize, and what better prize than being able to talk to your child? It is important for the child that his family unify criteria: when communicating, they use the same language.

Sign Language: How to transmit it to my child?

  • Choose a book or table of sign language to choose those that you want to teach the baby. Begin teaching simple words that they can use frequently, such as “please” and “more.”
  • Make the sign and say the word simultaneously. In this way, the boy learns what the sign means. Repeat this process several times to reinforce the sign.
  • Assists the child to form the sign with his hands. Consider that, depending on the age of your child and the password, he may need your help. Show him the sign slowly and then teach him how to do it.
  • Be consistent in making that sign every time you use the word. You will see that, after a few days, the little one will begin to use the sign to designate that word.

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