Is It Good For Siblings To Go To Class Together?

When the time comes for siblings to go to school, in many cases of twins, twins, etc., the question arises as to whether it is good for them to go to class together. Although each situation must be analyzed individually, there are some guidelines that parents should know.
Is it good for siblings to go to class together?

It is a frequent question that arises in families with multiple children, twins or triplets. The question of whether it is good for siblings to go to class together comes naturally; here we will try to reach a conclusion about it.

These doubts appear from the moment parents begin to think about the schooling of these children. Will it be convenient to put the twins in the same school group? Or is it better to separate them?

The family formulates the most diverse hypotheses. Parents begin to think that if siblings went to the same group they could help each other with homework and support each other. Also the work for them would be lighter, since they would respond to a teacher, to the same school schedules and requirements; this would be positive.

But the idea will also appear that the more comfortable or shy brother will take refuge in the other. Possibly, the weakest will not take on the challenges because they will know that their brother helps them; perhaps the most active and enterprising brother overrides a little the more timid.

One of the children is likely to feel inferior to the other in the comparison that will naturally — but not recommended — occur; This will be detrimental to the natural development of your personality.

The subject can become a great concern and anxiety will increase as the time for school begins. Then a round of consultations with other mothers, with school counselors, with psychologists will begin. What is to be done?

Is it okay for siblings to go to class together?

Many myths circulate regarding this matter. One of them assures that, in all cases, separating the siblings helps to better form their identity. Said as an indisputable truth and valid for all situations, it is a false myth, and even perverse.

Having siblings go to class together can strengthen the bond between them.

Each group of siblings has its own characteristics because each child is different from the others, even if they are twins or twins. Therefore, decisions should not be made a priori, but rather manage the situation according to the performance of the children.

Some interesting considerations:

  • Multiple siblings (twins, twins, triplets) have a very special and unique relationship. They have been united throughout the pregnancy, they shared the womb and development from the moment of fertilization. This influences the links.
  • Generally, these siblings are alike, and not just physically. However, each of them has its own personality. Each child must develop his independence from his brother and make his choices freely.
  • At home and at school, special attention must be paid to this goal. Calling each child by name – rather than referring to them as ‘the twins’ – dressing them differently and respecting their tastes and styles is a good start. 
    • They need to do different activities at different times to promote their identity. That is the starting point and the goal, it is the attitude that parents and teachers will assume. If this is the way education is approached, it will not affect the siblings going to class together.

    The extension of the bond

    The fact that the siblings go to class together when their schooling begins, is to allow their natural and special emotional bond to be prolonged.

    If they are separated already when they go to preschool, it will add a stressor to the children. In addition, this separation can constitute for them one more detachment that is added to that of the house and the mother. Sometimes it can translate into a lack of self-confidence.

    It is necessary to act with great caution and carefully observe the adaptation and performance of each of the siblings. In this, teachers play a fundamental role.

    There are many myths around education that we must know how to banish.

    On the other hand, children must also be treated as independent, trying to strengthen their independence in class time is crucial. Inside the classroom, they must be two unique and independent people.

    When multiple siblings spend long moments apart at a very young age, they develop high levels of anxiety. A greater number of problem behaviors then appear.

    The suggestion of psychologists and specialist educators, in these cases, is that the siblings begin their schooling process together. Each situation will be evaluated to plan whether they will continue the educational path together or separately.

    Each pair of siblings and each family has different traits and history; for that reason, it must be specially analyzed. There are successful experiences in both cases, both in prolonging the bond between siblings and in their separation at school.

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