International Week Of Arts Education

Celebrate International Arts Education Week with your children! Going to museums or going out to take pictures are some options that we propose below.
International Week of Arts Education

Did you know that there is a International Week of Arts Education ? You are right! This celebration takes place the fourth week of the month of May. This was decided by the General Conference of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 2011, with the intention of “sensitizing the international community about the importance of arts education; and promoting cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and social cohesion ” .

But what is arts education? This concept refers to the teaching and learning of different art modalities, such as plastic and visual arts, music, body language and the performing arts. All of them have great relevance for the culture of a society.

Father and daughter visiting a museum during the International Week of Arts Education.

How to celebrate the International Week of Art Education with the family?

Art education is essential for the integral development of children. Unfortunately, it is sometimes relegated to the background and not given the importance it deserves. Therefore, we suggest that you celebrate the International Week of Artistic Education in style, doing some artistic activities as a family.

Visit the museum

Museums are places full of art and culture, so a visit to a museum can be an ideal plan to carry out during the International Week of Artistic Education. 

We know that currently, due to the state of alarm due to a health crisis, it could be a bit difficult to carry out this activity. However, today there are many museums around the world that you can visit virtually.

Family choreography

This activity consists of choosing a song and inventing a series of steps to the rhythm of the music. After rehearsing several times, you can record yourself and then visualize how the choreography has turned out for you. It doesn’t have to be perfect; the important thing is to have a good time together and have fun dancing.

The same can also be done by performing a theater play as a family, which is very beneficial for learning to express yourself with your body.

Reproduce a famous painting, another good idea to celebrate International Arts Education Week

You can search the internet for various famous works by those painters that interest you. So each member of the family chooses a painting and tries to reproduce it.

It must be taken into account that they will be own versions of the original work, so it is not necessary to have great skills for painting; You just have to put the desire and let yourself be carried away by creativity. Afterwards, these creations can be hung throughout the house, as if it were a museum.

Take artistic photos

We live surrounded by electronic devices, most of them with built-in cameras. Well, how about taking advantage of those cameras to take artistic photos? It is a plan that the smallest of the house will surely love.

Mother making artistic photos with her son.

You can photograph yourself, the objects that you have at home, the streets of your town or city, the nature of the environment, etc. Thus, you will be able to have a beautiful collection of photographs that could make up an album or magazine.

The importance of the International Week of Arts Education

It is important that children know that the fourth week of May is the International Week of Arts Education and that they can enjoy it. Since culture is one of the most precious assets that we have as a society and the little ones must be aware of the fundamental role that music, dance, painting, etc. have in our lives.

Promote creativity in your children, so that they grow mentally healthy and happy and  teach them to value the culture that exists throughout the world.

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