Insect Phobia In Children

For us, they may be harmless. However, insects, especially some especially, can cause a great fear to children. These can become phobias.
Phobia of insects in children

Does your child have a very intense and irrational fear of insects? If so, it could be a phobia. Although it is not something serious, it is advisable to banish it as soon as possible; For this, we will tell you all about the phobia of insects in children.

First of all, it is worth clarifying that there is a big difference between a phobia and a fear. The latter is a feeling of aversion and fear towards something; all people feel it at some point.

What’s more, it is a necessary mechanism for our survival. Throughout its existence, fear has helped man to stay alert to possible threats and to overcome them.

However, a phobia is different. These are characterized by being very strong, causing excessive anxiety and, as a consequence, interfering with the normal development of a person’s life.

In children, the phobias that can manifest are diverse. The most frequent are claustrophobia (fear of confinement), coulrophobia (fear of clowns), nyctophobia (of the dark) and school phobia, among several others.

Symptoms of insect phobia in children

In general, what a boy suffers when he is in the presence or in contact with an insect does not differ much from what happens to other people with phobias. The feelings could be summarized in the following list:

  • Physical symptoms: These include shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, tremors, dizziness and vomiting, heavy sweating, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. In addition, other more specific ones may appear in each individual.
  • Emotional symptoms: suffers from a paralyzing panic, strong desire to escape, fear of losing control of oneself and even fear of dying. It is a very distressing situation and practically impossible to control and hide.

    Causes of insect phobia in children

    A first reason for the appearance of insect phobia in children is a traumatic experience. In childhood, we have all been victims of ant or bee stings. For some children, this leaves a stronger impression than for others.

    On the other hand, in young children, the characteristics of insects can cause great fear. Think about it: they have many legs, antennae, stingers, wings, and some even hairs. To them, who are just discovering the outside world, they are practically miniature monsters!

    In addition, although it seems exaggerated, many phobias are transmitted to children by their parents. That is, they are original fears of them, but that through behaviors, comments and actions, they have also planted in the minds of children.

    In the same way, other actors in the children’s environment can influence the construction of phobias. Therefore, it is extremely important to regulate the content they select, both on television and on the Internet.

    How to help your little one overcome the phobia of insects

    The main technique for dealing with a fear, even a phobia, is by facing it. Of course, this should not be done abruptly, as it would be too traumatic an experience to be positive. On the contrary, it should be done in the most progressive way possible.

    First of all, we can use photos and videos to establish a first contact. This will be very useful for the child to understand the way of life and behavior of each insect.

    Insect phobia in children can be very scary for them.

    Then a meeting can be made in person but without contact. Observation is a great way to lose your excessive fear little by little.

    Later, as long as the child is ready, you can help him touch it ; If it is not encouraged by hand, you can use a stick or a blade to get closer. Thus, with these small actions, we will help to overcome the phobia of insects in children.

    Of course, if it is not enough, there is always the possibility of turning to a professional. Psychologists usually treat simple phobias like this in a few sessions.

    Finally, it is important to highlight three things that you should not do. Obviously, don’t make fun of it; the slightest offensive comment about this fear, which he does not control, can be very hurtful to his self-esteem.

    Don’t underestimate his feelings, either, and likewise don’t try to reason for him to ‘kick’ him out on his own. On the contrary, take an understanding attitude and express with your actions total tranquility in the presence of these little beings with whom we share the world. In the long run, children will overcome their fear.

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