Ideas For Making A Sweet Cake

Once you learn how to make a sweet cake, you won’t want to go back to traditional cupcakes. These cakes with sweets are on trend and are made in a few minutes.
Ideas for making a sweet cake

If you are preparing your child’s birthday party, you should not miss this article. We will tell you how to make a sweet cake, one of the most chosen in recent times.

Desserts are the favorite foods of many children. However, they should be consumed in moderation, since their ingredients are not the healthiest. Anyway, on special occasions you can allow yourself a cake.

Candy cake: What is it?

First of all, we will talk a little about the famous sweet cakes. Basically, as its name indicates, it is a cake or tart that has not been made with the typical sponge cake, truffle or cream, but is made by combining different sweets, which are known as sweets.

For example, you can choose jelly beans, marshmallows, and other “soft” sweets and mix them with other “hard” ones, such as candies or lollipops. The best of all is that sweet cakes are very easy to make and that each guest takes a souvenir part to enjoy later at home.

In this way, we avoid leaving half the cake without serving, something very common in birthday celebrations, baptisms, communions, etc.

Making a sweet cake is simpler than you think and, in addition, it is a super original idea for your children’s next party. It does not have to take the classic shape of a cake, but it can be made in different ways, such as a boat, a soccer field or a heart; You can even adapt it to the decoration or theme of the party.

Steps to make a sweet cake

Next we are going to tell you how to make this dessert, so that you ensure the triumph.


The sweet cakes are based on a polystyrene or polystyrene tray, which can be found in any pastry shop, in different sizes and shapes. That is what you need to get started.

You also need gummy candies, marshmallows, lollipops, and some packaged treats, like chocolate bars or candy, to prevent everyone from touching the treats before cutting the cake. In turn, you will need large rubber bands, toothpicks or toothpicks, aluminum foil and decorative ribbons.

Candy cakes are the new trend for children's birthdays.

Some use royal icing to glue the sweets to the base, especially if there will be many small children at the party, to prevent them from eating the toothpick.

Whenever possible, try to use chocolate with a high cocoa content. This ingredient contains less sugar and more flanovoids, compounds that help improve health, according to a study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research.


Now that you have all the necessary materials, get to work to make a sweet cake:

  • Lay the base on the table or in a place where you can work comfortably. Cover with aluminum foil, so it will be easier to remove the sweets when you distribute them.
  • Separate the sweets by size; Place the largest ones first, to shape the “cake”. Attach with large rubber bands or toothpicks to each other.
  • Place medium and small sweets between the remaining holes. Do not forget to hold them correctly so that they do not fall off.
  • To spruce up the creation, cover with ribbons or whatever else you like.
  • If it is very hot, it is advisable that you keep the sweet cake in the fridge until the moment of the party.
  • Consider where you will place the candle on the cake or if you will have a small cake for the honoree to blow out when making their three wishes.
  • When cutting the candy cake, separate into portions of two or three large sweets. It’s as easy as peeling them off and placing them on a plate or napkin.

How to make a multi-tiered sweet cake

Do you dare to decorate a little more complex for your child’s birthday candy cake? Then we recommend that you build one of several floors. Cheer up!

Birthday parties.

You need four circular bases, one of each size: 10, 15, 20 and 30 cm in diameter ; aluminum foil, colored party sticks, 3 kg of assorted sweets (including marshmallows) and 6 popsicles.

Wrap the bases with aluminum foil and place in such a way that they are like a pyramid (from largest to smallest). Prick the marshmallows with the party sticks and insert in all edges of the flats. In each ‘step’ add the sweets in a combined way. Finally, on the floor above, click the pallets. And you already have your candy cake finished!

Anyway, do not forget that this type of preparation should not be done regularly, only on special occasions. The sugar they contain has been shown to be detrimental to metabolic health when consumed regularly.

Making sweet cakes for special occasions

Any gap you see can be covered with small candies and if you want, decorate with a colored ribbon. Your child and your guests will love this fun and different cake, which has taken you only a few minutes to prepare and that you can even save the bases for other family events or crafts.

4 ideas for birthday cakes

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