I Am Afraid Of Losing My Athlete Son

I'm afraid of losing my athlete son

We can fill entire pages talking about the benefits that sport can bring to children. However, even without realizing this, many parents choose to connect their children with the practice of some sports specialty for entertainment and not to mention the dream that our children become recognized athletes. But be careful what you wish for, because it can come true.

This time we are going to talk about the negative effects for mothers, derived from sports practice on their children. Parental love does not allow us to feel discomfort to see our children succeed, but many times this affection is selfish, jealous and fearful.

The challenge of being a mom to an athlete child

It is a source of pride to take our children to their regular trainings and accompany them to different competitions throughout the country or abroad, with this we intend to keep them busy and forge their discipline in a fun and interesting way for them.


But without realizing it, your dream begins to come true, what you wanted so much is gradually coming true , then your child becomes an outstanding athlete. Consequently, the level of demand increases, the training sessions are more frequent and your authority is reassigned to their coaches.

In a short time your child begins to spend most of the day at the sports center, trips are constant, studies are neglected and therefore begins to move away from the family. Going to play soccer on Sundays is not the same as being a highly competitive athlete.

With fear, mothers see that Argentine athlete who works in Germany and we ask ourselves: At what point does this young man see his family? Will the same thing happen to me with my son?

That selfish love begins to blossom and the feeling is confused, we do not know if the best thing is to let it succeed as life has announced it or to break once with its relationship with the sport. This decision has shattered many dreams and frustrated successful careers, but it has also made it possible for us to see stars shine.

Not all cases are the same

The mother who has not been an athlete is the most likely to confuse her feelings, but any mother is trained to distinguish what is best for her child and how to handle it. Therefore, the mother who has decided to support her son in the demanding career of sports deserves as much recognition as the one who decided otherwise for her son.

There are some mothers who have earned additional recognition, those who have helped their children with disabilities to be professional athletes. The sacrifice to see her children succeed and achieve goals, has overcome fears and many more limitations than other mothers.

It is normal to feel fear if we see our children go away to make their lives in the passion that occupies them. When they reach adults we know that there is not much we can do to have them with us, but it is very different when they are still children and spend so much time outside the house even for a good cause.


The sacrifices of mothers are very diverse, so we must learn to handle them with care, the recommendations to those women who are going through this are the following:

  • Your son will continue to be your son no matter what, so you can continue his training at all times. Make sure that the values ​​you taught him have internalized enough to make him a good person.
  • Don’t confuse your son; If you feel fear, it is preferable that you do not share it with him ; sometimes children can be very sensitive to parental insecurities.
  • It reinforces their self-esteem, stimulates their work and supervises their activities.
  • Show your support in moderation, without overprotecting him and giving him freedom of opinion.
  • Be objective when evaluating your child’s performance, this can be useful to contribute to their performance. If we see his execution with the eyes of a mother, we will not be able to stimulate him to improve, because it will always seem to us that he is fine.
  • Think of your child as you want to see him in the future and not as you will see yourself, take some time to take care of yourself while keeping an eye on the child.
  • Soak up the activities that your child athlete does, visit the training places, meet the child’s coaches and fellow athletes. Also try to discover what you do not know about that sport.
  • Trust your instincts but don’t stray from objectivity.

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