How To Teach Your Children To Be Independent?

How to teach your children to be independent?

Making our children independent is the wish of every good mother. To achieve this goal we require patience and teamwork. Here we offer you some tools to encourage autonomous children.

One of our greatest wishes as mothers is to prepare our children for their own independence.  It is essential to arm ourselves with patience, courage and above all a lot of tact so that they take care of their personal hygiene and education, while they form their own criteria about things.

Making little ones more autonomous equates to trusting parents. One of the mistakes that are frequently made is to think that children are too young to carry out this or that task. For example, it is very common to believe that young children cannot prepare their food or dress themselves.

Obviously, if you don’t teach them, they will never be able to overcome the daily difficulties they face. Getting them to be independent is a job that requires perseverance and perseverance You must also understand that it will not happen overnight, on the contrary it will be slow and gradual, according to age.

The best way to educate children to be independent is to start from a young age

Educate to form autonomous children

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The best way to educate children to be independent is to start early. As they grow, they will acquire skills and solve problems more expeditiously.

You can’t push him too hard, but you can’t spoil him at all

  • In the learning process, it is recommended to apply the strategy of explaining to the child how things are done, helping him and finally allowing him to complete the task on his own. This will strengthen your self-confidence.
  • Your mission is to find the mechanisms for him to learn in the best way.
  • Both teachers and parents should contribute to the development of children’s skills.
  • Basic aspects such as putting away toys, going to the bathroom, brushing, eating alone, folding clothes, doing homework, among other acts, provide not only responsibilities, but also prepare them to be autonomous.

Being an overprotective mother and achieving an independent child is impossible

Goodbye to over-protection!


The worst enemy of a toddler’s independence is an overprotective mother. We know that we must be there at all times, but sometimes we occupy spaces that do not correspond to us. Stay away from over-protection and know how to make it independent:

It is the children who, through trial and error, will learn to solve situations. We must not travel a path that is exclusive to them.

There are mothers who make the mistake of excusing themselves with the fact that the child could be hurt or that he is still very young. The reality is that these postures will only delay the child’s learning. The worst thing is that these behaviors can affect children even later when they reach adolescence.

When there is overprotection, the little ones in the house are prone to have low self-esteem and have constant insecurities. Soon they will begin to seek acceptance from others in a way that is not appropriate. Some begin to develop dominant behaviors typical of spoiled children.

Experimenting on your own limits will make you create precautionary mechanisms for yourself.

Tips to help our children be more independent

When your child is willing to help you with some work around the house, incorporate it immediately. This will make him feel useful and give you the opportunity to increase his activities as he grows.

Even if he thinks it is a game, you can take the opportunity to teach him everything. Remember that you learn by playing.

Another great precaution is teaching our children how to act in emergencies. In this way we prepare them for an unexpected situation in which they have to defend themselves. Ideally, give you tools to deal with panic in the midst of situations that could be traumatic and difficult.

Lastly, you must let them take certain risks. This will allow a better development of self-esteem and your personality.

Let him solve his own problems and you will forge a self-sufficient future adult, who will not wait to overcome the challenges he meets in life. Your child will thank you later throughout his life.

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