How To Survive A Move With Children

If children find that chaos and disorder reign in the moving process, it will be difficult for them to make this transition.
How to survive a move with children

All children are different and when it comes to a move, each one will feel a range of different emotions. It is not something simple by any means, but if you are a father or mother and you have to move with children, we are going to indicate some strategies that will come in handy to survive a move with children.

If there is something that we always find in moving processes – with children or not – it is stress. When this process begins, it is natural that all members of a family want to take their things well stored without forgetting anything. It is also imperative to say goodbye to the friends and family they leave behind. A stage is closed to start a new one.

The most important thing is that the move is done in a well planned way, involving the children in the process so that everyone is calm and the little ones adapt better to the changes that a move implies. 

The energy that parents project in this process is also crucial. The tranquility that children see in adults when facing the moving process, will affect them in a very positive way. The emotions of his parents can also affect him negatively in the case that they allow themselves to be carried away by the most intense emotions and without having control over them.

Moving with children: the importance of being honest

It is necessary that when it comes to a move, you are honest with your children about where you are going, why and what is the process to follow. It will also be necessary that you emphasize the positive aspects of the move and all the good things that you will find in the new home. Children will be carried away by your emotions, so if they are positive they will feel calm.

If your children have doubts about any aspect of the move or their new home, it is essential that you have an honest attitude and explain, according to their understanding and their age, those aspects that cause them concern. Thus, seeing in you sincerity and emotional closeness the process will be much easier for everyone.

It is always good to explain things to the child in a simple way. Telling them the truth is the best way to prevent them from clinging to false expectations. Some parents make the mistake of deceiving their children by painting a reality that later turns out to be false. This will only generate frustration, a feeling of deception in children, something that will undoubtedly generate mistrust.

Some examples of phrases that parents use to deceive their children can be:

  • We’re going on vacation and we’re coming back!
  • There are many animals and parks where we go!
  • Every week we will visit your friends!

If this idea crosses your mind, dismiss it without weighing it twice, because the emotional damage done to a child with this is profound. These “lies” may be told with the best intention in the world, but it will only generate resentment and pain in the child’s sensitive little heart.

Moving with children.

Explain things step by step

If you really want to help your child with the moving process, tell him the whole truth about the family event. Do not miss the opportunity to reinforce all the virtues and benefits of the new place, state or country where you are moving, this will help you make the moving process look good.

You can tell him in parts everything that will happen in the next few days. Make it a step by step, if necessary you can plan everything with an agenda or schedule to put on the fridge and for everyone to see. Start by telling him everything good about the new place that awaits him, you can make a list of the attributes of the new house or apartment or show him photos on the net.

You can also make him see that this is a good opportunity for growth and development both for him and for the family, in which everyone will have to learn even new customs. Yes, as a family, they are going to be exposed to a new culture, tell them that this is an opportunity for them to live and learn about a new place.

Tell him that he will possibly be exposed to new and exciting cultural traditions, different and interesting ways of looking at life, among many other good things for him. You will feel that you grow emotionally and also personally, and this is always good! A new beginning is always new opportunities.

Make moving with children a family event

If the child feels that he is part of the plans, he notes that he is taken into account and that he is part of a work team with a common goal, he will be much more willing to collaborate and do everything on his part to complete this important family event with success.

Nothing better than feeling infected with the good energy that transmits a team dynamic that pays off. If the child notices that the commitment to move is developing in a fluid and fun way, like an event that has been previously planned, it will always be a good ally.

Remember to calm down the whole process and explain to your child as best you can what will happen in the next few days. It does not matter how old he is or where you are going to move, the important thing is that he knows what is happening at all times and that he is a participant in the process. You will surely understand it at your own pace. Answer all his questions and help him assimilate the change with good energy and attitude. This will make a difference … for the better.

Image courtesy of: MudanVal

Helping Children Cope with the Family Diaspora

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