How To Stimulate Passive Children?

A passive child lives his life without complications, is loving and avoids confrontation. You will never find him being the leader of the group or leading the others; However, in your hands is the one who learns to defend himself from submission
How to stimulate passive children?

Stimulating passive children means giving them the opportunity to become people with autonomy and their own criteria. Men and women with character, feelings and tastes formed thanks to their experiences and not copied from their peers.

Next, we will show you how to combat your child’s passivity.

Behavior and psychology of a passive child

A passive child is characterized by a lack of energy during the beginning or completion of any task. This is an infant who becomes paralyzed when his parents and other adults invite him to do something.

This passivity takes her to all areas; even in moments when the passive child feels upset or upset, it is unable to claim their rights and demand from others.

There are many common habits among passive children:

  • They spend long hours in front of the computer
  •  They stay home while other children play sports or outside
  • They watch a lot of tv
  • It is difficult for them to make friends
  • Listen to music while lying down or sitting
  • They are averse to competition
  • They lack the willingness to start an activity
  • They lack initiatives, or if they have them, they never say them
  • They are shy
  • They are obedient in excess and always comply with the orders of the elders
  • They love to lead a sedentary life
  • They prefer to observe and listen rather than act and speak.
  • They take a long time to perform any task
  • They have a hard time opening up and expressing their feelings and emotions

But as long as passivity is a passing characteristic and does not cause any serious problems in the child’s behavior and learning, it will be an evil that, with help, will be remedied.

The impairment of passivity is manifested when said attitude is coupled with a mental illness such as Asperger’s syndrome.

Asperger’s Syndrome

Asperger syndrome is a disorder characterized by poor social interaction and some mental and behavioral problems.

“In this regard, learn more in: Asperger’s Syndrome”

Children with this condition have a different learning experience than other minors.

Every time they acquire a skill they put it into practice in an impeccable way, but to learn that skill they need much more time than others and someone to guide them constantly.

These children “disconnect” from reality for a few moments and when they regain concentration they feel lost.

Faced with frustrations and how disoriented they feel, they become very nervous and feel that the tasks and the world itself are too complicated for them, for this reason they tend to stay out of all situations and be very passive.

How to help a child with Asperger’s?

The best help that you as a mom can give your child with Asperger’s is to stay in the background. Guide him by adopting a discreet attitude. Don’t yell at him or get impatient at the delay. A child with Asperger’s is very smart and will quickly pick up on your mood.

Teach him how to keep things simple. All tasks have a beginning and an end. Show him how to divide the work and thus complete the action in a much easier way.

Give him love and support him all the time. The child will have difficulties in school and will be constantly exposed to criticism, ridicule and even harassment from his classmates; See to it that your behavior and lack of affection are not just another burden for him.

Now, if the specialists in the field have already ruled out that your child has Asperger’s and are sure that he is only a very passive minor, we can give you many tips to “wake him up”.

How to stimulate a passive child?

Encourage their tastes

Be aware of what the child really likes to do and not what he or she does as instructed by you or by his teachers at school. When you find out this, encourage him to combine that passion with some other activity.

If, for example, your child likes to listen to music, they can use headphones while walking together in the park, riding a bicycle, or visiting a recreation center in the city where they live.

Promotes relationships with other minors

Encourage him to interact with other children his age. In general, these infants are either alone or tend to relate better with older people.

Take him to places frequented by other children like amusement parks and celebrate his birthdays for neighbors and classmates to come.

Encourage him to go camping or going to the beach with other children.

Invite him and other children to play various games, compete with each other, and reward their victories.


Avoid differential treatment

Do not force the little one to be active in their activities. The best way to encourage his participation is by setting an example in a game, being the first to encourage all the children to follow you without giving him special treatment.

Just like you say to a child: “it is your turn in the game”, you will also say it to him. You must make sure that he sees that there is no difference between the treatment you give him and the others.

Encourage exploration and explain that it is okay to make mistakes. Show him how when children make a mistake in one of the games, on the second, third or fourth round, they learn not to make the same mistake.

“Know how to do it in the importance of the child making mistakes”

Make it your confidant

Open up to him. If you tell him about your problems, at some point he will trust you and want to do the same. This is how you will better be aware of their moods, their feelings and if they are subjected to any physical abuse.

Passive children are easy targets for bad influences. They submit to abuse without even complaining about it and share in the antics of their perpetrators even though they know they will be reprimanded for it.

These children live in function of others, they want to resemble their class idols and often submit to them and lose their identity.


When you talk, let him know of the respect you have for yourself, for your tastes and feelings. Show him how you look out for your own interests and respect your tastes as much as that of others. This way you will learn to do the same.

Take into account our recommendations. Be a better mother every day.

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