How To Relieve Headache In Children?

When the headache persists and intensifies after 24 hours, it is essential to see a doctor. 
How to relieve headaches in children?

To alleviate headaches in children in the correct way, it is best to learn to identify the cause and, based on it, apply one measure or another. Of course, this should always be in line with the instructions of health professionals to avoid mishaps. Remember that not all headaches are the same and cannot be treated in the same way.

There are many causes that can cause headaches in young children ; however, the vast majority do not pose any alarm. Many times, it is a temporary annoyance derived from hunger, fatigue, having spent too much time in front of the television or tablet, among others.

  • Allergies, flu, colds and other infections.
  • Physical fatigue from excessive physical activity.
  • Visual fatigue from having spent too long straining your eyes in front of the television or other devices.
  • Dehydration When the body has not received enough fluids, the brain may experience a contraction in its volume, which, in short, causes a headache.
  • Hunger. As in the previous case, the lack of food causes the body to experience a headache as it tries to compensate for the lack of nutrients it needs.
  • Bad rest. If your child had trouble sleeping and generally had a poor night’s rest, they will be more prone to daytime drowsiness and headaches.

How to relieve headaches in children?

To relieve headaches in children you can resort to the following measures:

  • Place an ice pack (always wrapped in a fine cloth to avoid burning the skin).
  • Offer the little one water and tell him to try to take a few sips. This will help you focus on the drink, rather than the pain, and will calm you down as well as hydrate you.
  • Sit the child in a place where he can be comfortable and, preferably, in a point where there are not too many stimuli (noise, light, movement), since these can prevent the child from calming down.
  • If the cause of the headache in children is lack of sleep, it usually disappears after a nap.
  • If the discomfort is caused by accumulation of stress, tension or nervousness, it is important to encourage the child to perform physical activities and exercises that allow him to relax and reduce tension.
  • If you suspect that the discomfort may be derived from allergies, visual fatigue or respiratory infections, you should consult your doctor.

There are medications to relieve headaches in children such as Pediatric Nurofen that, thanks to its ibuprofen content, reduces discomfort.

For easy administration you can opt for the brand’s chewable presentation, Nurofen Junior 100 mg soft chewable capsules, indicated for the occasional symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate pain, such as headache, dental pain, fever and pain associated with the common cold in children from 20 kilos (7 years) and up to 40 kilos (12 years). It should not be administered in case of gastroduodenal ulcer.

When to go to the doctor for a headache?

If the headache persists and intensifies after 24 hours, even after having administered analgesics, and is also accompanied by one (or more) of the following signs, you should go to the pediatrician as soon as possible.

  • Vomiting .
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Speech disturbances
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Nose or ear bleeding.
  • Lack of coordination when moving.
  • Sinking in the area of ​​the blow.
  • Self-absorption (does not respond adequately to stimuli).
  • Vision disturbances (asymmetry of the pupils, blurred vision, difficulty focusing, etc.).

By attending a consultation, the doctor will be able to make a detailed evaluation, as well as provide more accurate assistance. Give him as much information as you can: when the pain started, what the child ate that day, if he rested well or not, and so on; These data will help the doctor to make the diagnosis and guide the best treatment.

Common causes of headaches in children

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