How To Combat Sciatica During Pregnancy?

As the last trimester of pregnancy begins, the weight of the expectant mother increases and the muscles of the abdomen weaken. This makes you more prone to back pain. The most common is sciatica; Therefore, the question arises, how to combat sciatica during pregnancy?
How to fight sciatica during pregnancy?

For many pregnant women, sciatic pain is very bothersome. Therefore, knowing how to combat sciatica during pregnancy becomes one of the many questions that need to be answered at this stage.

What is sciatic nerve pain?

Sciatica is characterized as an acute ailment in the lower back; it can also be reflected in the thigh where the sciatic nerve passes. The change that a woman’s body undergoes due to pregnancy affects and inflames the sciatic nerve; consequently, pain occurs, adding to the overload when changing the body position or when walking.

Pregnancy and sciatica, what to do?

Around 30% of pregnant women suffer from back pain, lumbar pain or sciatica. As the pelvis expands, the lower back compresses the sciatic nerve and causes a lot of pain; This forces the pregnant woman to adopt incorrect positions when sitting.

To end this period as calmly as possible, you can take into account the following measures to combat sciatica during pregnancy.

Ways to combat sciatica during pregnancy

Take advantage of the heat

One way to do this is to take moderately hot showers in the shower, not the tub. This is an ideal remedy to combat sciatica during pregnancy; serves to prevent the pain from intensifying and relaxes the lower back. The hot water deflates and reduces pain to give you relief for a while.

Another way is to use a heating or electric blanket on the lower back. It is suggested to place it with a towel to avoid burns.

It should be left to rest on the back for 30 minutes; you will see how the pain begins to diminish. For sure, from then on it will be one of your best techniques to combat sciatica.

Abdominal pain is very common during pregnancy.


A technique or measure that can help you fight sciatica during pregnancy is massage. Go to a specialist in the field to relieve pain with special massages and reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve. You will feel improvement after the second massage.

Vitamin D

An excellent ally to combat sciatica is vitamin D, as it strengthens the nerves and keeps them healthy. Due to your pregnancy, you probably cannot ingest this vitamin supplement, so the ideal is to consume foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish and egg oils.

Sleep well

Try to sleep comfortably; This helps fight sciatica during pregnancy. Sometimes poor sleep causes sciatic nerve pain.

This manifests itself during the first hours of the morning, when you get out of bed. If you can, lie on the floor on your back for a bit, this can ease the pain.

Moderate exercise

Exercises are an excellent option to combat sciatica. During pregnancy, it is recommended to support your back against a wall and bend your knees carefully and without forcing yourself. You should keep your legs bent for a moment and then slowly go up.

When pregnant women practice yoga, they are less likely to suffer from this pain. The movements and stretches performed in each routine prevent sciatic nerve inflammation. Yoga also reduces stress for the expectant mother.

Fighting sciatica during pregnancy is possible thanks to certain measures.

Prevention of sciatica during pregnancy

There are simple practices that you can apply in your daily life that will bring you relief as the gestation period ends:

  1. Stay as active as possible, walk and exercise your back, it can be with yoga or swimming.
  2. Check your weight before and during pregnancy.
  3. Don’t stay in the same position for long.
  4. When sleeping, take good posture. It is recommended that, during pregnancy, you  sleep on your side and with a pillow or cushion between your legs.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes that are not flat or too high. The heels should be between 3 and 5 centimeters.
  6. Avoid lifting heavy objects. As you do this, keep your back straight to squat down and bend your knees.
  7. Do exercises to give strength to the pelvis:  This allows you to control urinary incontinence and perineal tear during labor. In addition, a rapid recovery after delivery is promoted.

If you get to feel these pains, consult your doctor and put into practice the tips to combat sciatica during pregnancy. With them, you will have a calm and relaxed pregnancy.

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