How To Act If Your Teenager Wants A Piercing Or Tattoo

Does your teenager want to get a piercing or a tattoo? You do not know how to act in this situation? Here are some tips.
How to act if your teenager wants a piercing or tattoo

According to a survey carried out by The Harris Poll in 2016, it is estimated that between 10 and 23% of adolescents between the ages of 12 and 22 have a tattoo, and between 27 and 42% a body piercing. These percentages continue to grow and more and more young people want to get a piercing or a tattoo.

Is it the case with your son? As a mother or father, how should you act? Along the following lines we answer this question. Do not lose detail

But before starting to deal with this topic, it should be clarified that adolescence is a stage in which a multitude of physical, psychological and social changes take place. At these ages, young people tend to demonstrate behaviors of demand and search for their own identity. So it is not surprising that they want to experiment with their style and express their personality and tastes through it.

Teen girl with a piercing in her nose.

How to act if your teenager wants a piercing or a tattoo?

If your teenager tells you that he wants to get a piercing or tattoo, what you should never do is give him an immediate and resounding no. The prohibition is not the right way, since with this the only thing that is achieved is to create a bad environment, which will lead to a strong and tense family discussion. So, what should you do in this situation? Here are some guidelines.

Open a dialogue with your child

Try to stay calm and don’t act impulsively. In fact, the best thing you can do is talk and negotiate with your teenager. To do this, you can start by asking the following questions:

  • Why do you want to get a piercing / tattoo?
  • In what area of ​​the body do you want to do it?
  • In the case of being a tattoo, what do you want its size and shape to be?

By showing interest in the subject, your child will feel heard, respected and understood and, in addition, will be able to present his arguments and reasons that lead him to want to adorn his body with ink or piercings.

Find out about the possible risks of getting a piercing or tattoo

Try to find proven and truthful information about the possible risks associated with piercings and tattoos, and then transmit it clearly to your child.

Initially, this practice should not pose any danger, but it is important that the adolescent knows the side effects or complications to which they are exposed when getting a piercing or tattoo. And, taking that information into account, make a decision.

Acts as a source of support and accompaniment

In the event that your child, after having taken time to reflect on the matter, continues with the idea of ​​getting a piercing or a tattoo, you should assume a supportive and accompanying posture throughout the process.

Think that, surely, even if you do not agree, he will be able to undergo this practice on his own, which would be much more dangerous for him. So, better if it does it with your supervision.

In this way, you can ensure that the place where the piercing or tattoo is made complies with the appropriate hygiene and safety measures. Likewise, you will be able to guide him in carrying out the aftercare, so that no infection or other dermatological problem occurs.

Teenage girl getting a tattoo.

About piercings and tattoos during adolescence

For years, piercings and tattoos have been associated with violent, problematic and criminal behavior. However, and although many people continue to think this way, these are nothing more than prejudices that must be eradicated from society.

Most people (including teens) who get a piercing or tattoo today do so for cosmetic reasons. So if this is the case with your child, this will not negatively influence their behavior. Your child will remain the same, whether or not they have drawings on their skin or piercings. What is really important is the education that you have given him throughout the years.

In short, if your adolescent son asks you to get a piercing or a tattoo, guide him and guide him to make the best decision, but do not impose your ideas on him.

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