How Does The Name You Give Him Influence Your Child?

Before choosing what you will call your baby, you should know how the name you give him affects your child. You must consider that the name forms his personality, his future, his identity … and is unique.
How does the name you give him influence your child?

Choosing our children’s names is not something we should take lightly. Believe it or not, what it is called can modify the destiny or the personality it has. In this article, we will tell you how the name you give him influences your child. Keep this in mind when making a decision that lasts a lifetime.

How the name you give him influences your child: ‘marked’ personality

Our personality is forged by different factors, such as the type of education received, how present parents have been in early childhood. It has also been established long before, when they chose our name.

For many couples, reaching an agreement on what their children will be named leads to fights, arguments and several hours of negotiations. However, it is essential to go through this situation if the result is to find the perfect name for that being who is about to come into the world.

The name is the first legacy that our parents give us, what we receive long before we are born or just are born. It is something so important that it gives us nothing less than our identity and differentiates us from the rest.

In many cultures, parents or grandparents wait for the baby to be born and, after a few days, decide what it will be called based on the qualities they see in it. That does not happen in the West, since the name is decided – in most cases – according to the tastes of adults.

Of course, all parents want our little ones to grow well, develop, fulfill their dreams and be happy. For this reason, we reiterate that the choice of the name is something more than important.

How the name you give him influences your child: traditions and confusion

A name carries a lifetime; It is not a word that is “loaded” for a while and then discarded. A very frequent “mistake” is to get carried away by fashions, by fanaticism towards certain characters or wanting to be the most original and exclusive when calling children with foreign or impossible to pronounce names.

It is more than clear that choosing the name of a child is not a simple task. However, it is essential that you take the time to think about it and analyze it very well, knowing that it will not only take you as a child, but also as an adult and elderly.

A good way to choose is to take a look at the most popular names in Spain for girls.

When deciding what children will be called, these are the most common ‘actions’ that can influence their personalities in the future:

1. Fashion name

Frequent or popular names can be very beautiful, but at the same time they complicate the day to day. If there are other children in kindergarten who are named the same as your child, the teachers will have to identify him in another way, for example, by his last name or by some nickname.

2. Name of parents or grandparents

It is a tradition to name children after their ancestors, but this also has consequences. On the one hand, the child will not feel that he is unique and then, when he grows up, he will fall into the typical question: “Father or son?” if they call looking for him or a letter arrives.

You should also be careful about choosing a deceased name for your child. Although it can be an excellent way to honor someone who is no longer there, it is important not to compare or “pass” the whole burden to the little one on that exceptional person.

3. Foreign name

Sometimes foreign names are not the best alternative. Not only because it does not ‘match’ the last name, but because he will spend his whole life spelling it out or writing it for others.

The same happens with very original or extravagant names, difficult to pronounce or that have letters little used in our alphabet (such as k, h, z, w, etc).

4. Compound name

There is nothing wrong with giving a “double” name to a child, such as José María, Juan Manuel, María Laura. The problem is that you will inevitably have to shorten it or find a nickname. This may influence your character or personality in the long run.

Original names for boys are in fashion nowadays.

5. Name “childish”

It is very beautiful when it is a baby, but later, as it grows, it will not look so good. Those names that end in diminutive (ino, ina) can become a nuisance in the future. Imagine that your child may choose a profession that requires some seriousness and, with some names, may occasionally find himself uncomfortable.

It is true that your child will not be the only one who is called that way, because he will belong to a generation of ‘baby names’, but it is always better if he can be called the same when he is a child than when he is an adult.

Ultimately, names are a complex issue that deserves a lot of discussion from parents. Beyond the issues outlined here, it should be noted that there are no right or wrong options;  As long as affection and love are given, the child will grow up happy and radiant.

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