How Does The Baby Experience Delivery?

If you have ever wondered how the baby lives in childbirth, in the following article we will tell you everything you need to know. Take note!
How does the baby live the delivery?

When the mother is ready to give birth, she goes through many physical and mental phases. But sometimes you may have wondered what happens to the baby. For this reason, in the following article we are going to try to answer the following question: how does the baby experience delivery?

How does the baby live the delivery?

Certainly, childbirth is a milestone, both for the expectant mother and the baby. It is a unique experience that is remembered and remembered by all moms over the years. However, it is difficult to draw conclusions about how the baby lives and if the little one suffers throughout this birth process.

Before these open questions, we confirm that the baby participates actively during labor. But his pain and his mother’s suffering are totally different. The baby may feel some pain while passing through the birth canal, but no one can determine this for sure. In any case, you should not worry too much about the little one, since its skull is capable of being molded as it travels through the canal.

Therefore, there are also no solid metrics for the perception of pain of the little one, but the variability of the heart rate and the amount of sleep that babies have immediately after birth,  are small indications that suggest that the process involves some pain and suffering .

The first contractions

The first signs of labor appear: contractions. With each contraction, the placenta and cord are compressed, which can sometimes make it difficult for the baby to get oxygen for a short time. Fortunately, for most of them this decrease is not a problem.

In fact, the contractions of the uterus do not disturb the baby, and his heart rate attests to it. In contrast, when the contractions are too strong or the work is too long, the baby lacks oxygen. However, your heart rate adapts to the lack of oxygen, and your heart may slow down during contractions or experience acceleration.

How does the baby live the delivery?

In any case, it is considered that the baby does not suffer excessively because, among other things, it has a long time to get used to the contractions, thanks to their slow progression and intensity, which gradually increase.

The journey through the birth canal

Under the effect of the contractions, the baby gradually descends into a kind of tunnel. It performs various movements and changes its orientation several times to avoid obstacles while, in parallel, the neck expands. Although it is true that the experts cannot guarantee the pain threshold that the little one feels during this short trip.

Just as there is no way to know what kind of pain a baby feels when it travels through the birth canal, doctors are also not sure how much a baby sees or hears during labor. But it is well established that a baby has some listening skills before entering the world. A baby’s sight before birth, on the other hand, is more difficult to measure. But after he is born, we know that his vision is blurry at first and that he cannot concentrate well.

After traveling through the birth canal, the baby is in the forward position in most cases. This means that his face is oriented towards the back of the mother. From there, we arrive at the moment of expulsion, where the mother helps the child to come out by means of a series of pushes during the contractions.

However, at the time of expulsion, the little one may be disturbed by significant stress, adrenaline, and cortisol levels, which increase significantly to give him the strength to come out. Once the baby’s head is out, the little one begins to breathe.

How does the baby live the delivery?


As you have seen, birth is rarely discussed from the baby’s point of view, as if it only had a passive role. On the contrary, the fetus actively participates in childbirth, so we hope that from this article you can have a much clearer idea of ​​how the baby lives during delivery.

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