Funny Children’s Recipes For Christmas Dinner

Christmas dinner can be simplified with these recipes that we are going to present to you. They are simple to prepare and are widely accepted.
Funny children's recipes for Christmas dinner

The Christmas season has many elements with which children are motivated, so we must take this opportunity to join them more. One of the best ways to work at home with children is through simple and fun recipes.

We can find endless interesting ideas to decorate the table and also so that children can enjoy Christmas dinner with more pleasure. To start preparing the Christmas Eve from then on, we can consider these fun recipes.

1. Santa Claus cookies


Cookies are one of the children’s favorite desserts, they are easy to make at home and the malleability of the dough allows us to create various shapes.

Choose any cookie recipe you have at home and let your imagination run wild. You can use a particular mold, but any cookie in the shape of a disk can simulate the face of Santa Claus, which you can decorate with icing sugar for the beard and red sugar crystals for the hat.

These candies are easy to make with children and will be the perfect decoration for your Christmas table. In addition to the cookies with the image of Santa Claus, we can also try small trees, booties and snowmen.

2. Fruit-based Snowmen


A funny snowman cannot be missing in our Christmas decoration; We can make them with different ingredients, but these in particular, besides being funny, are also very healthy because they are made from fruits.

This simple recipe is basically made of banana, from which we will obtain slices that will make up the halves of the doll; the hat can be a pineapple or strawberry triangle, the eyes are made of chocolate chips and the nose is a small piece of carrot. Don’t forget that regular fruit consumption has been shown to reduce the risk of developing diseases.

Have fun with the children, preparing this healthy recipe; We invite you to use your imagination to add color and implement other fruits to make the doll. We also suggest you try them with boiled eggs.

3. Strawberry Santa Claus


Following the wave of fruits, let’s take advantage of the beautiful red color of strawberries to create this famous Christmas character that shares the same hue. You will only need the strawberries that you consider appropriate and a little whipped cream, chantilly or similar.

Assemble the little Santa Claus, inverting the strawberry and using the final triangle as the Santa hat. The cream will simulate the beard and the speck of the hat, to complete the face, put some chocolate eyes.

This recipe is easy to make with children, it is very attractive for our Christmas table and it is ideal for children to consume fruits, although they are surely quite attractive for adults.

Remember that strawberries are high in vitamin C. This nutrient is capable of improving immune function, according to a study published in Nutrients .

4. Sausage booties for Christmas dinner


Two elements that children do not usually overlook, the traditional Christmas boots that bring gifts and the delicious sausages ; we are going to combine them in a fun recipe to complete our good night dinner.

Although we have not thought about it before, with sausages you can get interesting shapes, which are not only good for Christmas. But this time we will use them to make a small Christmas boot.

Invite your children and start putting together this recipe. To start, pre-cook the sausages, they can be boiled or fried. We will use the rounded end for the part of the foot and the internal pieces for the leg.

We cut at angles at the end of each piece and with the help of a toothpick hold them together. To decorate the top we can use mayonnaise or margarine and any other edible element that adds color, such as peppers in small pieces or coriander.

5. Decorate Cupcakes


Cupcakes are one of the most popular desserts among children and adults, so they should never be missing from our Christmas table. To work them as a family, we can try original Christmas decorations, because these are special to help us develop our imagination.

With the versatile fondant we can create countless pieces, but if we are less expert, we could use a buttercream, chocolate or a whipped cream. The important thing is to have fun cooking with the little ones in the house.

Prepare different children’s recipes for Christmas dinner

As you can see, it is easy to prepare fun dinner recipes to give Christmas a different touch. With them you will satisfy the little ones due to their good taste and presentation.

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