Frustration And Motherhood

In life, we will encounter many difficult obstacles to face. As mothers, we must deal with them wisely, without letting bumps along the way weigh us down and derail us from goals.
Frustration and motherhood

As women the expectations in our life are always very high. However, when factors such as frustration and motherhood are mixed, it seems that everything becomes difficult.

It is true that being a mother changes our lives and everything around us takes on a new meaning ; it is a wonderful and rewarding experience.

However, we know that it is also very exhausting. Before we only attended to our affairs; Now, in addition to that,  we have a full-time life under our care. Endless sleepless nights and busy days come, without even leaving the house.

Add to that a little more pressure if you have other responsibilities. For example, more children, a husband, household activities, shopping, studying, working, among others.

In the first days, we usually have help, and even more so if we are new mothers. However, afterwards,  the routine can become super exhausting.

Emotional stress, insecurities and pressure lead to negative thoughts and extreme tiredness, which make us believe that it is impossible to continue. It is there when frustration and motherhood form a dangerous and devastating duo for any woman.

Burnout Syndrome

This syndrome occurs when the woman has been exposed to a period of intense and prolonged physical and mental stress. This pathology has its beginnings in the workplace, in professionals who work in an environment full of stress.

The mix between frustration and motherhood can cause a lot of instability in women.

Likewise, it also manifests itself in mothers, since they go through similar situations at home. Its symptoms are alterations of the organism in the face of circumstances of chronic stress, such as:

  • Muscle aches and gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Insomnia and tiredness.
  • Isolation from the environment and problems with the partner.
  • Feeling of loneliness and frustration.
  • Anxiety and reluctance.

The source of stress can be home or work, busy days or exhausting nights without being able to rest. Grooming, food, and sleep are put aside so you can take care of everything and keep up with your responsibilities.

The fact of being the exemplary mother before society overwhelms those who aspire to that. These women are exposed to endless sensations that are not always the best. When we are involved in strenuous situations, it is necessary to reconsider and take a break; we must always think about our health and well-being.

If we allow ourselves to be carried away by depression and stress, we cannot be the mothers we hope for; on the contrary, all those tasks that we want to carry out will be more difficult for us. 

Tips to beat Burnout Syndrome

Let you help

Being isolated and being consumed in solitude by the problems that overwhelm you is a terrible idea. To begin to walk the path of motherhood, the help of your family and friends is necessary.

Connecting with other mothers who live in the same situations is beneficial, since they would help each other to face those challenges that lie ahead.

Organize your time and highlight your priorities

Planning activities giving importance to the most urgent ones will always leave you time to relax and enjoy your baby.

Take time for yourself

Having time alone, thinking, walking and breathing is incredibly necessary. At that time of day, you can relax your body and connect with nature alone; This will help you reorganize your ideas and face your activities with renewed energy.

To enjoy that moment of personal relaxation, it is necessary to have the support of another person who takes care of the baby in that time interval.

Frustration and motherhood is a common combination, which must be overcome with support.

Manage frustration and motherhood

We get frustrated when the things we plan don’t go our way; this,  in most cases, can be attributed to external forces over which we have no control.

In this situation, we have two possible solutions: solve what is causing the frustration or, unfortunately, give up on it. To manage frustration, we can follow a series of strategies that will help us not to be overwhelmed by vicissitudes. Among them we have:

  • Talk, interact with other people. Sharing problems with others can help you find solutions that you don’t see on your own.
  • Keep an open mind and learn. Human beings are capable of instructing ourselves through our defeats. Detecting faults and repairing them is wise.
  • Accept the results, no matter how harsh they are. If everything has already been done and it still does not work, it is time to see things differently.
  • Deep breathing helps to relax body and mind. Thus, you can easily visualize possible solutions to problems.

The combination of frustration and motherhood will have a place in your life only if you allow it. Overcome with intelligence and in the company of your loved ones the moments of stress and overwhelm will make the difference.

Enjoy motherhood every day, remember that the stages experienced with your baby will not be repeated. Therefore,  you must treasure each moment with energy and joy. 

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