Flipped Classroom: A New Learning Modality

Flipped Classroom: a new learning modality

Can you imagine going to class alone to practice the concepts acquired at home? This is the modus operandi for Flipped Classroom. Get to know a new learning modality that is beginning to settle in Spain.

What is the Flipped Classroom

It is a study method that uses an inverted methodology to what we know so far. Flipped Classroom is effective because the teacher adapts to different learning rates, and thus no student is left behind.

For experts, this method is revolutionary because with it nothing is taken for granted. Be part of the idea that not all students will advance at the same speed. In this way, it becomes a commitment to personalization, and a crusade against standardization.

Such is the boom in recent years of this study methodology that currently more than 20 universities are investigating the advantages of this mode of study. Among the conclusions that are being drawn, is the fact that students are more active in class. In addition, teachers are more motivated and students perform better.

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How the Flipped Classroom works

Through this method, what the teacher does is divide the students into groups. Then it’s time to put them to work, to debate and create about the content they have seen at home. In this sense, what the teacher has to do is solve doubts and serve as a guide. With this method autonomous and responsible students are created for their learning. This is something that activates them and gets them involved.

It is enough to see the results to realize that it is an effective method. According to a survey of 186 Spanish primary, secondary and high school students, in 10 different educational centers that had followed the inverted class for at least one semester, 85% of the students assured that thanks to this method they could work at their own expense. rhythm. Meanwhile, 90% of them highlighted that their chances of participating in problem solving had increased and that their learning was more active.

As we say, through this learning method the role of the teacher changes completely. Now the class is not based on its explanation, but is marked by possible doubts and the activities that the students carry out to put what they have learned into practice.

Advantages of the Inverted Classroom

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For many, this pedagogical model that raises the need to transfer part of the teaching and learning process is a revolution. Therefore, among the advantages of this learning method are:

  • It is able to promote creativity and critical thinking
  • Facilitates compliance with the educational standards of the centers
  • Involves families themselves from the beginning of their children’s learning process
  • Provides students with the possibility of accessing the best content again whenever they want

The main criticism that this educational model has refers to a possible overload of work and activities for the boys. This methodology requires that beyond the teaching hours, children must carry out activities in addition to face-to-face work. A detail that can lead to an overload.

Undoubtedly, the rise of this method has been favored by the potential that the Internet offers. It is very positive in terms of information search methods, creation, publication and systematization of resources. All this has made the possibilities much wider. Of course, this also affects the teaching and / or learning process and alters the traditional roles that teachers and students have.

It also gives parents the opportunity to view the classroom materials used by students. Parents will be actively working with them at home. Thus, the parents themselves will have the opportunity to learn about the teachers’ instructional methods. This builds the confidence to help your children with the same teaching style. Also, help with support tasks.

In this new teaching method, teachers become researchers, content generators and mediators of the learning that students have done.

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