Family Disintegration: Modalities And Effects On Children

The serious effects that the disintegration of a family can cause in the most defenseless of the family nucleus, that is, children, are often little known and underestimated. We show you its main modalities and consequences.
Family disintegration: modalities and effects on children

At present, a problem that is really evident and to which the necessary attention is not paid is family disintegration. Something that has been happening since the beginning of our history but that increases by leaps and bounds from year to year. Although, in reality, few know the serious effects that family disintegration can cause in the most defenseless of the nucleus: children.

However, the concept is not yet known in detail in society because, although there is a generalized idea, it is necessary to deepen it. Family disintegration is where it is collected, not only that the parents are divorced, but that, living under the same roof, the conflict is constantly present, they do not have the same objectives and the basic functions of the whole family are not fulfilled (food, affection, affection and education).

Modalities of family disintegration

In today’s society, the concept of disintegration can have different peculiarities and, with this, give rise to different versions. Next, we will go on to show certain situations that can occur in the family environment.

The effects of divorce on children are not always what we expect.

This, normally, is a fleeting feeling that can be solved with shows of love and dedication on the part of the parents. In this way, the child can continue with his normal life without affecting his mental health too much.

It is logical that, whatever the reason or the situation, the child will suffer at first, since he is afraid and feels insecure that his parents will be able to separate permanently and his family will never stay together again.

  • An amicable separation with joint custody.  This is a case that is not too serious in most cases, because the business is carried out as acceptance by both parties. Caused by a wear and tear in the relationship or because it was not like before. The context of joint custody also appears here, so that the child’s trauma is minimized and it may even not be affected because the attention of their parents towards their child is the same.
  • Unpleasant breakup and custody issues.  The moment one of the members has hurt the other in matters of lies or infidelity and there is a trial to decide custody, an undesirable and harmful situation for the child will begin.
  • Divorce with family violence. This, without a doubt, is the most serious situation. The child has had to suffer a very dramatic situation with family violence involved, towards the mother or father and even towards the children. Living this horror for a season, accompanied by shouting, insults or humiliation, seriously affects the child, so much so that he will need psychological help to overcome it and be able to continue his life.

When this is the case, it is essential to avoid name calling, parental alignment and manipulation of children to try to get them to position themselves.  No matter how much damage our partner has caused us, we should not turn children against them, much less use them in the divorce process.

Helping the child during the divorce is necessary for him.

Effects of Family Disintegration on Children

The ideal would be to opt for the protection of children first and foremost and try to make that situation affect them as little as possible. We must ensure that the relationship with both is normal and the routine is not altered, something that is vital.

Otherwise, it is certainly likely that the problem of family disintegration affects them in such a way that it causes them almost irreversible damage and causes them to adopt behaviors such as childhood regression, sleep problems, loss of appetite, stress or anxiety, school failure or repetition of violent actions.

These, if not treated in time, can last until adolescence. In which, the most common, is the appearance of the feeling of hatred towards parents, especially the one they consider the most guilty if there is one.

Disintegration is a real problem, whether we talk about family or if we transfer it to children. Things can not always go well when it comes to relationship issues, but what must be tried above all things is that it does not affect the development of children or that it does it to the least possible extent, since they sequelae may remain for life.

Dear son, I will not put burdens on you that do not belong to you

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