Don’t Be An Absent Father, Be A Present Father

Don't be an absent father, be a present father

Do not be an absent father, be a present father for all your children, from the smallest to those who consider that because of their age they no longer need you so much. If you have little time or are away from home, there are always ways to connect with them and enjoy all the happiness they have to offer.

Are you going to be absent for a few days for family reasons? Keep the mobile on even at night in case any of your little ones need to ask you a question, know how you are or at least hear your voice.

Does the pressure of work always keep you locked in the office? You are lucky to be a father of this time who stays hooked on chat, email, or video calls. Use these means to communicate with your children when you cannot be physically by their side. Digital Natives of the 21st Century: Kids will love using technology to make you feel close. Sure they will prefer to hug you and kiss you, but the fact that they can count on your attention even during peak hours of the day (in terms of work), will help them.


Do you come home when they have already fallen asleep? Go and kiss them good night even if they don’t know about it, and the next morning drain into their rooms for a weirdo before you go to work. Take advantage of that moment and make plans for walks and games for the weekend.

Dad, at You Are Mom  we want to help you connect and maintain the bond with the most important people in the world: your children.

The absent father

The absent father is one who is emotionally estranged from his children. Whether or not they live in the same house, this parent is unable to establish emotional ties with their children, either because they downplay the issue, have a lot of work and little time, or do not know how to do it.

An absent father is away from his children in the most important moments : when they need advice; that they hug them, kiss them, carry them, clarify a doubt …

Although they sit together at the same table, or even share the sofa in front of the television, an absent father and his children remain as distant as poles from each other.

Where do absent parents come from?

Absent fathers are not infrequently the children of men with the same characteristics who grew up with emotional deficiencies and did not receive the teaching of affection and attachment from their parents.

There are absent parents who are social victims. They were formed in an environment where men are seen as tough individuals who have the role of financially supporting the family, and it is women who must provide affection for their children.

Now, there are absent parents who were raised with love, received the best education of all and yet their selfishness, narcissism and little empathy do not allow them to behave as sentient beings.

As you can see, its origins vary.


Don’t be an absent father, be a present father

Dad, the children of the absent father grow up with emotional deficiencies of all kinds. Among other behaviors and disorders at a psychological level, these children may develop a certain rejection of the affection shown by other individuals. They are sad and low-spirited minors, with a lack of self-confidence. Some of them become undisciplined and rebellious, others highly sensitive and develop overdependence on their attachment figure, usually their mother.

That is why you should know that you as the father of your children have to keep abreast of the economic and emotional deficiencies that they have.

It is your responsibility to support them and provide them with everything you can according to your purchasing power. You must make an effort every day so that they do not have needs, and just as you had a good childhood, make theirs as pleasant as possible.

It is also your duty to educate them, to prepare them for the life that awaits them. You have to teach and guide them so that in the future they will either fix something at home as they teach quantum mathematics at university.

As the father of your children, you carry on your shoulders the commitment to turn them into honest, happy, upright women and men … It is yours to listen to them, comfort them, encourage them, talk about any of the many issues that matter to them, demand of them, value them. , applaud them, reward them …

Anyone who thinks that being a father is easy is very wrong because father as well as mother is synonymous with attachment, love, sacrifice, tenderness and unconditionality.
Be a present parent for your child from now on.

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