Dog Bites, What To Do?

Dogs are not always friendly and affectionate; some may feel fearful or threatened and this may lead them to attack as a defensive measure.
Dog bites, what to do?

Thinking that all pets are friendly and defenseless is a serious mistake; in the case of canines, some do not have the desired character or patience with children. That is why, although it may not seem like it, dog bites are more common than one can imagine. Before them, we must know how to act quickly.

The intensity of dog bites can be mild or severe; this will be defined by the magnitude of the shedding of the skin tissue. It may only be a small wound, but there is also the possibility that these episodes will cause bleeding.

The first thing to do when faced with an unfortunate encounter with a canine  is to remain calm and clean the affected area to determine how severe the injury is.

What to do about dog bites?

If a member of your family suffers a dog bite, you need to pay attention to the following tips to quickly address the injury:

  • Clean the affected area very well with plenty of water. By having the area of ​​the bite more visible, check its status; if mild, wash it with antibacterial soap to remove any dirt that could cause infection.
  • Dry the lesion well with sterile gauze and then pour hydrogen peroxide over it.
  • After disinfecting, cover the wound with clean gauze and bandage it with moderate pressure to stop the bleeding; If possible, position the affected limb in an upright position to stop or prevent bleeding.

Suture and necessary vaccinations

Dog bite wounds generally do not require stitches.  However, if you notice that their depth is important, you should go to a healthcare center to have them done.

Likewise, it will be necessary to administer the rabies and tetanus vaccines to prevent any effect of transmission of rabies, if any.

In addition, if the presence of the rabies virus in the dog is suspected or its state of health is unknown, the doctor should indicate a treatment to prevent infection in the bitten person. This will surely include antibiotics.

Dog bites are common for children, so you have to be cautious.

Other steps to take after dog bites

After medical attention after a dog attack, it is necessary to do the corresponding investigations to avoid greater risks. First, you have to talk to the owner of the canine, if you have one, and ask for the vaccination certificate.

The dog may have reacted violently due to distrust or some external agent that has altered it, such as the sound of fireworks, the starting of a car, among others. In the case of being a trained pet and having the support of vaccines, there will be no major implications.

However, if it is an aggressive canine for no reason, it may be necessary to file a report with the police.

When the dog that has carried out the attack is in a state of abandonment or in the street, it is best to call the municipal veterinary service to carry out the regulatory anti-rabies observation of the animal. The purpose of this step is to avoid future aggressions.

How to prevent dog bites?

The best way to prevent dog bites is to avoid approaching these specimens when they are in the street or are strangers, always be careful not to disturb them when they are loose when going to parks or places of recreation in the open air and respect their space. when we visit a family member or friend. In addition, it is recommended:

  • Do not feed or pet dogs in the street, even when they seem helpless or affectionate.
  • Avoid panicking when you run into an unfamiliar dog;  They are capable of perceiving fear, so if you scream or run, the animal could consider it a threat and respond with an attack.
  • Never leave a child without the necessary supervision in the company of a dog; even less if it is an unknown person or in a street situation.
  • Teach children that they should not disturb any dog when they are eating, at rest or when caring for their puppies; This represents a great threat to the canine, since they are animals that are governed by the survival instinct and seek to protect themselves in whatever way.
  • The fact that a dog is chained or tied makes them more prone to aggressiveness; for this reason, they should not approach them.
The poodle is one of the best small dog breeds for children.

Final recommendations

A responsible owner keeps his dog’s vaccinations up to date. As suggested by veterinarians, these should be placed annually.

Also, an owner should not allow their pet to roam freely on public roads.  A well-educated canine should not be violent regardless of their breed, it is only up to their owners to turn their pet into a threat or a friend.

An infinity of bacterial colonies inhabit a dog’s mouth, so it  is common for a mild infection to occur after a bite. The important thing is, first of all, to avoid being attacked by a canine at all costs; if this happens, it is better to know how to use what we have available in the first aid kit.

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