Characteristics Of The School Bully

It is important to detect potential school bullies in order to avoid bullying situations. Therefore, in this article we expose you which are the most common characteristics of aggressors.
Characteristics of the school bully

Students who carry out aggressive and violent behaviors against others usually meet a specific type of physical and psychological profile. Next, we explain what are the most common characteristics of the school bully.

It is important for teachers to be aware of these characteristics, since it is the teachers’ responsibility to identify potential aggressors through observation and conduct records. In this way, it is possible to anticipate, prevent and reduce bullying in schools.

Characteristics of the school bully

A school bully intends to constantly subdue the victim, taking advantage of their physical, social or psychological superiority with respect to the other student.

Bullying behaviors can be exercised both alone and in a group. These acts of harassment manifest themselves in different ways: from physical violence to subtle behaviors, such as emotional and verbal ones.

Child who suffers bullying or bullying sitting on some stairs alone.

But what kind of children commit these aggressions? What characteristics do they usually have? Students stalkers generally characterized by:

  • Be physically stronger than your peers.
  • Be dominant and impulsive.
  • Not following the established rules and regulations.
  • Have a low tolerance for frustration.
  • Be defiant before authority.
  • Present, apparently, a high self-esteem.
  • Show positive attitudes towards violence.
  • Show little empathy for your victims.
  • Have no feelings of guilt.
  • Having problematic social and family relationships.

Although these are the most common characteristics of a school kindergarten, it must be borne in mind that there is no single type of aggressor, but, according to Alexander Schwarz, they can be classified into three groups:

  • Aggressive  They are the most common type of aggressor. They carry out their actions motivated by their lust for power and desire to dominate others, reinforcing their personality through harassment towards one of their classmates.
  • Passives.  They are insecure students, so it is not they who initiate the bullying, but rather they wait for the moment when an assault begins to become enthusiastic participants. In fact, they often show loyalty to an aggressive stalker.
  • Bullies-victims.  They are aggressors who at some point have been or are being victims. These are unpopular students who bully or have bullied weaker students while being or have been bullied by stronger students.
    School bully giving a classmate a slap.

Consequences of assuming the role of aggressor

Taking on the role of an aggressor in bullying  has serious short-term and long-term negative effects. Thus, as a consequence of the violent behavior of school bullies, they usually:

  • Establish toxic and negative social relationships.
  • Present low academic performance or school failure. 
  • Show cruelty and emotional instability.
  • Use aggressiveness as a way to resolve conflicts and problems. 
  • Have a null capacity for self-criticism.
  • Respect aggressive behavior.
  • Internalize criminal and antisocial behaviors.
  • Present sensitization to the suffering of others.
  • Losing empathy towards others.

In addition, as these children become adults, they fall into other social imbalances such as vandalism and the use of alcohol or other substances. Likewise, they are likely to become future abusers (with their partner, with their children, etc.) or aggressive criminals.

For this reason, it is important to detect and prevent bullying, so that activities are carried out in the school that enhance the ability of students to empathize, raise awareness and respect the diversity of people, their needs. , characteristics and interests.

All this with the purpose that the possible aggressors and the companions who act as witnesses become aware of the problem of bullying, trying to repudiate such actions and condemn them.

School bullying: How to detect and treat it?

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