Breastfeeding: Not Everything Is Rosy

Breastfeeding your baby is a beautiful and unique act. However, it also has several drawbacks that need to be discussed freely.
Breastfeeding: not everything is rosy

Many are the aspects of pregnancy and motherhood that have been idealized for years, even by ourselves. Breastfeeding the baby is one of them.

It is recently when women have dared more to speak out loud about things that are not so rosy without feeling guilty or because of it. And it is an essential exercise, since it is necessary to normalize the less positive aspects to avoid guilt in mothers.

Around breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the most recommended feeding method by pediatricians and organizations worldwide. It provides great benefits for both mother and baby. Among them, the following stand out:

  • They strengthen the immune development of the baby.
  • Breastfed babies have higher IQs.
  • Breastfed babies show better emotional adjustment.
  • Avoid expenses to the family economy.
  • It simplifies initial care by not requiring washing and sterilizing pacifiers and equipment.

    We could list here the wonders and advantages of breastfeeding, however it is not what we are dealing with now. Well today we want to talk about the difficult aspects that are not always brought to light.

    Breastfeeding isn’t always easy

    Breastfeeding can hurt

    Certainly, for some women, starting to breastfeed can hurt a bit, especially in the beginning.  If this is your case, you should know that there are many other women like you, but you should also know that this stage passes and the pain disappears.

    You just need to stay focused, optimistic, and confident about the wonderful decision you made regarding feeding your baby. Avoid listening to lurid accounts of breastfeeding experiences that did not come to fruition. That doesn’t have to be your case.

    Breastfeeding is tiring

    Certainly, the production of milk for your body is an important energy expenditure. It is no accident that many women lose weight considerably while breastfeeding. Take care of yourself, take time to rest, everything else can wait and your baby’s development is well worth it.


    Breastfeeding your baby takes time

    The amount of time a mother must sit breastfeeding is considerable. Depending on the flow of your milk it can be up to 45 minutes, plus what you need to change it and remove the gases. This time is usually more precious if you already have other children who also need you.

    It is a challenge to be able to organize yourself to fulfill all your obligations in the best way possible. There is a great reality: you will not be able to do everything, it is true. However, it is nothing that with cunning, organization and setting priorities you cannot achieve.

    Relax, be flexible with yourself, lower the standards of perfection and allow yourself to leave the dishes unwashed until the evening or accumulate more laundry. Ask someone close to you to help you with your purchases. Sure you will find many alternatives, show yourself that you can delegate and postpone.

    Breastfeeding controls your activities

    Definitely, while you are breastfeeding your baby you will not be able to stay away for many hours from home unless you can take him with you. The baby needs you every three to four hours and you will also need to remove the milk from your body.

    So there is no other option but to become a more agile and capable person. Organize your errands and foresee the times when your baby will want to eat and the places where you will feel more comfortable doing it. Breastfeeding is a beautiful act, to be proud of. Do it with discretion so as not to hurt susceptibilities, but do not rule it out. Breastfeeding on the street is the only way you can commit to certain activities and start having your time.


    Breastfeeding sometimes makes your clothes dirty

    Yes, sometimes the milk comes out uncontrollably and even if you have protectors it penetrates and wets your shirt. Nothing happens, since you go out with a diaper bag from home, include two or three changes there for you … that’s it!

    You have the right to feel bad

    Finally, you should know that at times you will feel overwhelmed, tired of the pain in your breasts or of not being able to do an errand in the time that you used to do five. It is normal, allow it; You can cry, protest and say what you think, that doesn’t make you a bad mother, it just makes you a normal person. When those moments pass you will discover yourself stronger.

    Normalize breastfeeding as a right of mothers and children

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